One week back at work and back into our regular routine and Christmas already seems like a distant memory. Not in a sad way, just in that sort of “life goes on” way. It is to be expected, I suppose. And it really wasn’t too bad at all. Having to coordinate drop-offs and pick-ups and remember morning meetings isn’t my favorite thing in the world by any means, but we are all easing back in. I’ve done a good job of keeping my evenings slow — some sewing, working on a puzzle, reading, and even going to bed well before midnight. All good things!

(By the way, whenever I think or say “all good things” I hear Olaf in my head. It’s been several years now so I suppose this is a permanent association. Funny.)

I got a haircut last Friday, then took the girls for their own cuts on Saturday afternoon. Charlotte wanted her hair dried straight, so the stylist obliged and wow — she looks so different! And cute, of course. Emma wanted cool braids that are much better than anything I’m capable of doing myself. She looked so athletic! And she liked how they made her hair wavy the next day.

I snapped the photo above at Best Buy and it’s one of my new favorites of the girls. Something about it just makes me smile! We were looking for a new monitor for Jose, but he ended up just ordering one from Amazon since Best Buy didn’t have a huge selection in the size he wanted. I hadn’t been in a Best Buy in literally years. It was surprisingly nice and modern, and they would have price matched Amazon if they’d had what he wanted — but again, the vast selection available online wins out.
My quilt guild kicked off the new year on Sunday. I’m the president this year so no pressure, right? Ha! Our first meeting was really well-attended, we picked up a couple new members, and had a great round of show and tell. The other officers are all excited, and we have some great programs in work. This will only be our second full year as a guild, so we are definitely still in the “growth” stage, but making steady progress and I’m looking forward to a fun year.