My month of blogging has been basically all quilting, all the time so far. This week I’m going to switch it up a bit!
I could have sworn I’ve told this story before, but I searched several different terms and couldn’t find a post in the 18+ years of content on this blog. Turns out it was on Flickr!
I work at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, and there is an area near the main entrance dedicated to the memory of former astronauts who have passed away. It’s called the Astronaut Memorial Grove, with trees for each person. When their tree is planted, there is a small ceremony held to mark the occasion.

Every year in December, the Center Operations teams puts white Christmas lights around the trunks of each tree — except one. Pete Conrad‘s tree has red lights, and the reason is both funny and touching.
(I took the photos in this post back in December 2007!)

For years, the grove has looked like this in December. Lots of white lights, and one tree covered in red. Until this year…
Alan Bean passed away last year and his tree planting took place earlier this year. He was a wonderful artist as well as an astronaut — see his work here. And this year, his tree has colorful lights to join his friend Pete’s.
Mr. Bean’s widow, Leslie, posted this on Facebook a few days ago. One of my friends shared it, and since it is a public post, I wanted to share it here as well.
One of the very best things about NASA is when it feels like a family. It’s the little-but-big things like this that keep that feeling going.
I thought I had posted this with the photos JSC sent to me last month after the trees were lit, but it never showed up.
Here is the story of how Pete’s tree came to be lit in red for the holidays ….. And now, Alan’s is lit in color, tooThe story of Alan Bean’s talk at Pete Conrad’s Tree Planting, and Alan’s ‘visit’ from Pete the night before the ceremony has become a bit of a NASA family legend. A few have even tried to claim that they were who did this, but it was, and could only have been, Alan Bean, Pete’s team-mate, and best friend.
This is how Pete’s tree came to be the only tree in the Astronaut Memorial Grove at JSC in Houston that is lit in color during the holidays.
I always smile to think back on that day. It was one of the great moments! Alan had a twinkle in his eye, and a true “Dick Gordon Sparkle” about him.
When Alan told everyone at the tree planting ceremony that Pete was there, communicating with him, instructing him on what to say, people didn’t know what to think. They looked around at each other, initially stunned – maybe even a little worried.
Alan began,
…. ‘Well, I sure wasn’t expecting to see Pete last night, but he appeared at the foot of our bed, and he said to me’, “Hey Al – It’s me, Pete….I know you’re gonna be at my Tree Planting tomorrow, and you’re worried about what you’re gonna say…..So, let me tell ‘ya – when it comes your turn to talk, just stand there, and hold on a few seconds – I’ll tell you what to say. I got some things to say to George Abbey.”
Now Alan stood very still, and quietly looked up and to the left. People began looking around at each other, not yet sure what was going on, or how to react.
….’Okay, Pete,’ Alan said, ‘I understand what you want. I’ll tell George just like you said.’
Alan turned to George Abbey and said, ‘George, Pete says he was always the shortest guy in the office, and he doesn’t want to have the shortest tree here.’
People were beginning to get into it now, and were smiling and nodding at each other, especially at Pete telling George what he wanted him to do.
Alan looked over at Pete’s tree, paused, looked up, and said, ‘Pete, I’m lookin’ at your tree right now, and it’s the newest one, but it’s not the smallest!’
Again, Alan paused, and looked up to Pete, ‘Okay Pete, I’ll tell George that, too…’
People began to chuckle, and to move forward to not miss anything.
….’George, Pete says for me to tell you to NOT give him a tree with those plain little white lights like everybody else’s trees’.
‘Pete says’, “ I was a little guy, and you know I always said, “If you can’t be good, be colorful”, and YOU know, I WAS COLORFUL!”
Again, Alan looked up toward Pete, listening…
….‘What’d you say, Pete? You want me to tell George Abbey that, too? Okay, okay, Pete – I’ll tell him.’
Alan looked directly at George Abbey. Now, George was laughing, too.
…. ‘George, Pete wants me to tell you he wants COLORFUL lights on his tree. Pete wants LOTS of colorful lights on his tree. Pete wants to be sure you’re gonna do that.’
By now, people were really ‘into it’, looking between Alan, and George, and at the place above Alan where he was getting directions from Pete. There was much laughter, and George promised that Pete’s tree would always stand out and be colorful.
Pete’s fun, colorful spirit was honored in the most delightful, creative, and loving way by his best friend.
No one else could have done it the way Alan did that day. He had everyone participating in the fun. It was great!Everyone loved it.
Everyone was having fun.
The smiles, and giggles continued through the reception.Pete’s bright red tree is now one of the traditions during the holidays at JSC.
Each Christmas until 2019, Pete’s tree was the only one covered in COLOR.
In April 2019 at Alan’s Tree Planting Ceremony I told the story of that day, in 1999, at Pete’s ceremony. Like Alan asked George Abbey, I asked Mark Geyer, the Director of JSC if, there might be one more tree decked with color each year. As the Astronaut Artist, who helped the world see the moon in vibrant blue, and violet, and pink, and red, Alan’s tree will reflect his love of the moon, and of color. They found the perfect spot for Alan’s tree not too far from Pete’s. Actually, about the same distance as their respective graves at Arlington.
Thank you, George Abbey.
Thank you, Mark Geyer.
Thank you, Pete.
Thank you, Alan.I’ll see you later, my love.