I’ve finished quite a few projects since this time last month! I got my Palmdale quilt completed, released my Shake & Bake pattern, and earlier this week I finished the top for my Christmas quilt. But alas — I didn’t plan far enough ahead to have backing ready!
So while I waited for my order to arrive, I had time for a couple other quick projects.

I made two simple skirts for my nieces using this cute astronaut Snoopy fabric…

…and two for my girls with Frozen fabric.
These are so easy that I finished all 4 skirts in just over 2 hours. I use a single width of fabric for each, so there’s only 1 side seam per skirt, plus a bottom hem and top elastic casing. Pressing takes longer than the actual sewing!

And finally, my construction method for my Christmas quilt top left me with quite a few “bonus triangles,” which I decided to turn into half square triangle blocks! After trying several different arrangements I finally settled on this subtle star design. I had enough HSTs to make two 18″ squares, and got them basted last night. I hope to have them turned into finished quilted pillows by the end of today!
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.