As weekends go, this one was rather intense! We had so many activities that piled up on top of each other that I collapsed last night, happy but totally exhausted.
(And weirdly, we have nothing on the schedule yet for next weekend. It’s like everyone tried to cram in everything well before Christmas this year!)

Friday night was Parent’s Night Out at our daycare, so Jose and I enjoyed drinks and a movie (Ford vs Ferrari). The theater had remodeled since the last time I was there — which wasn’t actually that long ago, so they must have done it fast! — and all the seats are recliners now. I have to say, it WAS quite relaxing.

Charlotte had gymnastics on Saturday morning, followed by a family trip out for lunch and a Target run to get a kid birthday present and cookies…which we then took to a cookie party at our neighbor’s house that afternoon. Yes, I took store-bought cookies to a cookie party. I had zero time to make cookies last week, and the store-bought ones were delicious.

Today we celebrated our neighbor’s 4th birthday, followed by a visit from Santa at the neighborhood park. He brought Legos for both Emma and Charlotte, which they played with at home with Jose…while I scooted over to my monthly quilt guild meeting.

Over the course of the last week, we got all of our Christmas decorations put up…including SEVEN stockings! My parents and brother will be with us for Christmas this year and I’m super excited about it. I did a crappy job of centering the stocking on the mantel but OH WELL. I wasn’t gonna move all those command hooks once I had put them there.
Two more weeks. Two more weeks. Two more weeks of work until a much-welcome extended vacation!
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.