My parents arrived yesterday! And my brother arrives today! I am so stinkin’ excited to have them here for Christmas this year. There is going to be plenty of cookie-making, movie-watching, game-playing, present-opening, and other general fun.
We tracked them the whole way here, both Saturday and Sunday, with my mom sharing her location via google maps. This is such a cool feature…except when you think about how google is probably just tracking you all the time. But. It was still really nice to be able to see where they were, and know how much longer until they stopped for the night and then arrived at our house.
Emma looked at it yesterday afternoon when we knew they were close, and the shriek she let out when she saw they were in our neighborhood was priceless.

Last week both girls had Christmas parties in their classrooms, and Jose and I were able to make it to both of them. (Although I only got a picture of Emma’s.) The 2nd grade party involved each kid bringing in 20+ individually wrapped trinkets to give out to their friends. I was QUITE annoyed by this whole idea — why not do a nice book exchange where I just have to get one decent book instead of 23 pieces of junk? But I have to admit it was fun to watch the kids be totally thrilled by each 50-cent item they unwrapped, and excitedly share which one was from which kid.
Emoji keychains! Slime! Pencil toppers! So much joy.

I took Friday off work to get Christmas vacation started right, and was able to wrap up the last few Christmas shopping needs as well as wrap a bunch of presents. Overall I’ve been feeling pretty on top of things with Christmas this year, so hooray for that!
We did find ourselves out and about this weekend though with normal-type errands. The photo above was taken at Lowe’s, where we had to pick up some really odd circular light bulbs for two ceiling fans. The bulb in Charlotte’s room burned out, so that prompted getting a new one for both her room and our master bedroom. The bulb in our master had been burned out for, oh…like 3 years.
YEARS. You might think I’m exaggerating, but I am NOT.
Anyway, now we have light in our bedroom again! It’s like a whole new room!
On today’s agenda: a walk with mom, lunch out with the girls, making gingersnaps, and hopefully getting my Christmas quilt basted too.
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.
Have a fun visit! And yes, not just google is tracking you. All your apps that have location services on do it!