November felt calmer overall than October, but man it still surprises me that it’s already done! If the holidays seemed to fly before, having kids and all the associated activities and family fun really makes time race.

November goals update:
+ Write a Quilt Festival recap. I’ve got a draft post that’s about 75% done. It always surprises me how much time it takes to put together a post that’s mostly just photos! I’ll post it next week as my 31 days of blogging gets underway.
+ Finish our GCMQG charity quilt top and my QuiltCon fabric challenge entry. Done with both! Our charity quilt top has been handed off to another member for quilting, and my QuiltCon fabric challenge entry has been submitted.
+ Get rid of unused holiday decor. Done! I got rid of some Halloween and fall items we hadn’t used in years, and will do the same with out Christmas decorations when I get them out this weekend.

Other November wins:
+ Armand Bayou Fall Farm Festival. This remains one of my favorite events each fall, especially when the weather is beautiful like it was this year!

+ Family outing to the Color Factory. This was just such a fun thing that we all equally loved.
+ Finished and gifted the Kushukuru quilt. It was a pleasure to participate in Jessica Swift’s project to share her new fabric line while also sharing some love.
+ A new office at work. I’m still getting settled, but change is good, right?
+ Wrote 2 quilt patterns. One is Shake and Bake, which I’ll be releasing next week. The other is for Bluprint to be released next year.
+ School Thanksgiving celebrations. Jose joined Emma for lunch at her school, and we both went to the meal at Charlotte’s school.
+ Wrapping up the month with extended family. We had a nice Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a fun time at Mandy and Nicole’s wedding tonight!
The holiday items I plan on doing after Christmas. I noticed several things I need to get rid of. Yikes!
It’s so easy to just leave stuff in the box year after year!