After a very, very full October I am trying to scale back in November. That may be tough with the holidays approaching and mostly good weather that makes us want to do! all! the outside things.

We had a good time last weekend, with a satisfying mix of activities plus idle hours at home. Emma went to a birthday party on Saturday — which happened to be the first-ever party where I dropped her off and then came back at the end to get her. Milestone! Jose and Charlotte went to the grocery store while she was there so I found myself at home by myself on a Saturday evening for quite possibly the first time in 7+ years.

We spent a nice afternoon downtown on Sunday. We ate lunch at Biggio’s, then checked out the Quilt Festival for ~45 minutes (which was the limit of the girls’ attention span, sigh), then played at Discovery Green.
Big things happening in November:
+ More fall festivals. We’ve been to several, but there are a couple more low-key affairs in November that I always look forward to. The Armand Bayou Farm Festival is this weekend, and the Friendswood Art in the Park of the weekend after that.
+ Thanksgiving. We always go to Corpus Christi, and will do that again this year.
+ Family wedding. Jose’s cousin is getting married the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which thankfully lets us knock out two events with one trip. Family weddings are always a fun time for everyone, and I’m looking forward to it.
November goals:
I feel stretched very, very thin right now. Honestly, I think my focus this month really needs to be on taking deep breaths, making sure I’m in bed at a decent hour, easing back into a walk/run routine after a couple weeks off…and anything else that will make me happy and reduce my overall stress/anxiety level.
Here are a couple other things I’d like to do as well:
+ Write a Quilt Festival recap. I always enjoy sharing some of the amazing work I saw at Quilt Festival (example: last year) and love going back and looking at them myself. But with all the pictures and captions, the post takes a couple hours to put together. I’ll get this done in pieces, and get it online by mid-month.
+ Finish our GCMQG charity quilt top and my QuiltCon fabric challenge entry. The charity quilt top needs to be done by the end of the month so we can move on to quilting; it’s currently ~1/3 complete. And while I started my fabric challenge quilt in September, I paused in October for other projects. It’s ~1/2 done and the deadline is December 2.
+ Get rid of unused holiday decor. When I got out our Halloween decorations last month, I noticed there are several things in the box that I don’t put up anymore because they’re old, I don’t like the style, etc. So this month as I put the Halloween stuff away and then get out the Christmas stuff later, I want to make sure I’m getting rid of that excess instead of continuing to store it.
Here’s to November!