October! I love you and am glad you are here! I hope you don’t mind that we kicked things off a few days early with our annual tradition of trying on performing quality control on the costumes at Target over the weekend.

Big things happening in October:
+ Astros postseason games! We’ve got tickets to the first two games of the ALDS on Friday and Saturday. And if all goes as I hope it will, I will be watching the Astros play ALL MONTH LONG.
+ Family outing to the Bayou City Art Festival. This is one of our very favorite fall events, and we missed it last year. We will not miss it this year! Can’t wait!
+ Many other fall festivals and traditions. Froberg’s Farm! Pumpkin patch! Airshow! Maybe some new stuff too!
+ Quilt Market & Quilt Festival. I’m excited to check out my third year of Quilt Market and make some new connections, and then enjoy Festival (which is technically in November but hey) with friends.
+ Halloween! We already have costumes for the girls and I keep having to remind them that the big day is still 4 weeks away. (Emma wants to wear her costume shoes to school; I don’t want them to get ruined before she actually wears her costume.)
October goals:
With all the fun things going on, I’m gonna keep my goals pretty light.
+ Clean the kitchen vent hood. Not glamorous, but it is gross and needs to be done and I’ve been putting it off for much longer than I’m willing to admit.
+ Make 2 gift quilts. My “quilts to make” list got unexpectedly long for the next month or so, and two of them need to be done by the end of the month so I can gift them on the appropriate occasion. Better get to work!
+ Get the miscellaneous crap out of my sewing room. Over the summer, my sewing room also became the room where I started storing boxes of household items and old toys to be donated. I’m ready for a cleanup and some minor reorganization.
was there a baby shark costume?
Don’t know, but thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. Lol.