First, a wrap-up of my goals from summer. I was on such a roll this summer that I finished almost everything on my list by mid-August, and had time to dive into several other projects.

- Finish my “ugly fabric challenge” mini quilt. Done!
- Make a baby quilt for Jose’s friend’s baby. Done!
- Finish my Central Pivot mini. Done!
- Finish at least 2 of my UFOs. Done! I finished my Beauty Burst and Trinket quilts.
- Start organizing my guild’s charity quilt. Done! I’m really excited to see this one come together.
- Also done:
- Made a mini for the Curated Quilts black and white challenge.
- Finished my Rainbow Triangles quilt top and got it basted.
- Took an improv quilting workshop.
- Participated in the Back to School blog hop.
- Found out my Bob Ross mini was a finalist in the Cherrywood Challenge. (And will be displayed at Quilt Festival!)
- Taught a walking foot quilting class at my local shop.
- Graphic design and tech editing for a few clients.

And now, goals for October-December:
- Enjoy Quilt Market and Quilt Festival!
- Finish my Halloween quilt. A spur-of-the-moment project inspired by a fabric bundle I really liked. I started it last week and plan to finish it this week.
- Baby quilt for our next door neighbor. Baby boy is due in November but I’m hoping to have the quilt done for the baby shower in later October.
- Kushukuru fabric secret sewing. I’m excited to play with Jessica Swift’s new fabric line from Art Gallery Fabrics. My project will be revealed in early November!
- Make a quilt for the MQG fabric challenge. This one is already in work because I was excited to get started, although I’ve forced myself put it down for a few weeks while I tackle the more pressing deadlines above.
- Finish Rainbow Triangles BOM. This one is for Charlotte’s bed, and it’s basted already. Just gotta quilt it.
- Finish (or nearly finish) the Gulf Coast MQG charity quilt. I’m coordinating this effort for our guild again this year. I’ve asked everyone to have blocks finished by this month’s meeting, which should leave plenty of time to get them pieced into a top and the whole thing quilted by the end of the year. Then we can bind first thing in January.
If things go well, I mayyy squeeze in one more quilt that I’d like to enter in QuiltCon. We’ll see if I have time!