Back in early August, I cashed in both girls’ Astros Buddies ticket vouchers for one game in late August and one game this past Sunday — the final home game of the regular season. Then Jose told me he was going to be out of town for his cousin’s bachelor party. Oops!
I was not about to miss the final game of the season though, and after the Astros lost on Saturday, a win yesterday would clinch their 3rd straight AL West title. Fun! So the girls and I headed off to have a great girls day at the ballpark.

This was the fourth game they’ve been to this season, and for the first time, we made it all the way to the end! (There might have been a bit of bribery involved, but it worked.) The Astros did indeed win, and we got to see the whole team celebrate. We took our time getting out of the stadium, and while the line for “champs” t-shirts was too long to bother with, we had a lot of fun mugging it up for pictures on our way out.

I think the girls enjoy the baseball games, at least as much as a 7-year-old and 4-year-old can. And I hope they continue to like going to the ballpark in the future!

Those are some amazing pictures. I would frame three of them in series
I was thinking something similar! Ha.