Whew! I’m slowly realizing that August is going be one of our busiest months now that we’ve got a school-age kid. (And that will double in a couple years.) With vacation at the beginning of the month and birthdays and the new school year at the end, August disappeared in a blink.
Both girls seem to be enjoying their new classrooms, and Emma is happy to be back with her school friends after a summer of camps. Jose is wrapping up his first week at his new job and while it will take some time to get his bearings, he is already hard at work and making contributions to his new team.
And me? Well, I would say I have been in a bit of a funk…but I also feel like I’ve been saying that for months. So I’m not sure. Work is not bad. It’s not great either, but it’s ok and I can live with that for now. I’m sewing, of course, and taught another class at my local shop last week that went well.
With Jose starting his new job this week, he chose not to teach at the community college this semester as he had done for the previous two years. He may go back once he settles into the new job, but I am admittedly excited that I won’t have two solo parenting nights each week.
I’m also excited that we’ve agreed to each have one “night off” per week. Last night was my first one, and I spent it at 2nd grade parent night, followed by dinner on my own at Panera where I finished the final chapters of a book and did some sketching on my iPad.

August goals update:
+ Organize birthday celebrations for both Emma and Charlotte. Done! Charlotte’s isn’t for another week, but the only thing left to do is order the cake.
+ Set up some sort of calendar/command center by our back door. Not done. I didn’t even try. But soon!
+ Stop sewing and/or other hobby work by 11 p.m. I’ll call this a semi-success. When we got home from vacation I quickly fell back into old habits. But for the last week, I’ve buckled down and worked hard on enforcing that 11 p.m. time and it’s going well. If I can keep it up for a few more weeks, maybe it will start to become more of a habit!
+ Work out at least twice per week. Same story as the bedtime. I was active on vacation, then did nothing for 2 weeks after we got home. But this week I got up before work on Monday, Wednesday, and today and walked for 45 minutes. (I’m considering whether I may now be a walker instead of a runner, but that’s a story for another post.) Now to stick with it…
Other August wins:
+ Graybeal family vacation! It was the best.
+ Jose’s last day at NASA and first day at his new job. It was a hard decision for him to leave NASA and civil service, but we are both excited for this next step. I’m really proud of him!
+ Emma started 2nd grade! Charlotte started in Room 9!
+ Got a big girl bed for Charlotte. She only stays in it for half the night before going over to Emma’s room, but hey. It’s there when she’s ready.
+ Made a mini quilt. My sewing motivation had been lacking after vacation, but this gave me a welcome jump-start.