It’s the final day of this year’s 100 day project! This year my project was #100daysofsaroystitches and I’ve been working my way down a list of ~10 different projects that I wanted to either make significant progress on or completely finish before today.
Previous project updates: Days 1-20, Days 21-40, Days 41-60, Days 61-80
Here’s what I worked on in the final 3 weeks of this year’s challenge:

Bob Ross challenge mini. Finished and submitted! I should hear next week whether it makes it into the group of finalists. Fingers crossed.

GCMQG challenge mini quilt. Finished! I can’t really show it until after this Sunday, when we have our monthly meeting and we anonymously vote on challenge winners, but I’m very happy with how it turned out. I used the opportunity to try a design I’ve had in my head for a couple years now and it worked well!

Baby quilt. I started on a baby quilt for Jose’s friend’s son, who was born earlier this year. I wanted something pretty quick and easy so I turned to half square triangles — they can be put together in so many different ways! The neutral fabrics are a 5″ charm pack, so I started with those to make 4.5″ HSTs that will finish at 4″. I finished the blocks on Monday night and am halfway done with the top.
And thus ends my 3rd year of participating in The 100 Day Project! In the last 100 days, I started and finished 3 throw-size quilts and 2 mini quilts, pieced 2 quilt tops, made hanging sleeve, did a bit of English paper piecing, and took a free motion quilting class. That’s quite a lot! Go me!
The biggest downside to this year’s project was the lack of…specificity, maybe? My previous two projects both involved a single thing that I could produce each day in 10-15 minutes, and that format was very motivating and inspiring to me. While this year’s certainly shows that lots of little chunks can add up to a lot, it wasn’t motivating in the same way. There was very little difference between my 100 Day Project and my ongoing quilting to-do list, which made the project feel less “special” than it has in previous years. It was a good lesson learned that I’ll remember in 2020!
But overall, this year was another success. My goal was #100daysofsaroystitches and while I didn’t sew every single day, I came very close and recovered the “sew-jo” that had been missing in the first few months of the year. I finished more projects in the span of ~3 months than I probably ever have before, and had a fun time doing it!