The last month has felt slow and fast, at the same time — a dichotomy that has been interesting, to say the least. I think work is to blame for most of this confusion. I’ve been in a new role for about a month now and I am feeling overwhelmed. There’s a big part of me that feels like I should have it figured out by now, but I try to remind myself that I am 1) working on a new program that is 2) in a totally different phase of development than anything I’ve done before and therefore 3) expecting myself to learn it all in a mere 4 weeks is unrealistic.
But I’m also tired of sitting in meetings without being able to provide any meaningful input since I’m still struggling to understand what they are even talking about in the first place.
Sigh. I know it will get better if I just stick to it. It’s not like everyone else working on this program is smarter than me. It’s just that they’ve been working it for longer.

July goals update:
+ Do a digital declutter. Done! I did a lot of unfollowing, deleting, hiding, and site blocking. My remaining social media is VERY heavy on quilting and/or creative content and I am 100% ok with that.
+ Figure out a shoe storage solution for the back door. Done! We got the Bissa cabinet as part of an Ikea outing a couple weeks ago and put it in the corner of the living room, right around the corner from the back door. It’s working well!
+ Make a photo book of our Disney trip. Done! Setting this goal was absolutely what motivated me to get it done, so YAY for that. I ordered it (via Blurb) and it should be here soon.
+ Investigate alternate TV/internet options. I didn’t do this. Maybe in August? Otherwise we’ll just keep paying what I know is too much. Sigh.
Other July wins:
+ Selected as a finalist in this year’s Cherrywood Fabric Challenge. (My Bob Ross quilt will be traveling around for the next ~18 months.) And I got second in my guild’s ugly fabric challenge. And I put the finishing touches on 4 different quilts this month. Yay for all!
+ 4th of July. It was just so good this year.
+ Food Truck Friday. Doing fun things in my neighborhood with my neighbors just makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I don’t have a lot of social activity in my life these days, and feeling like a part of my community has turned out to be SO important to me.
+ 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. It was fun to relive NASA’s biggest highlight. (Now let’s make a new highlight, eh?)
+ Palm Beach outing. This is becoming a summer tradition for us, and I will keep doing it as long as the girls are still interested. And when they outgrow Palm Beach, maybe we can replace it with Schlitterbahn?
+ Work changes. Despite my constant “huh?” feeling, I’m still grateful to have a new opportunity and a change of pace.
Onward to August!