I know summer doesn’t officially begin for another couple weeks, but I’ve always thought of June 1 as the start of summer as far as I’m concerned. While the weather usually stays decent in May, things always seem to get real hot, real fast once June arrives. And now that I’ve got a kid in school, and school ends in May, that feeling of June = summer is definitely reinforced!
After a lot of activity in May, we started June with a bang — family vacation! — but now that we’re home, my schedule is looking a bit more relaxed. I’ve still got some lingering stuff to figure out about work and my career in general after a couple recent months of unexpected events, but I’m trying my hardest to readjust my own expectations and get back to the positive attitude I had not that long ago.
It was really (REALLY) great to get away last week and not have to think about anything but having fun at Disney World. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, and no work. The only thing I missed from the “real world” at all was my quilting. As soon as we got home, my head started to fill back up with the never-ending to-do list so I’m on the hunt for something — anything — that can help me keep at least a slice of that vacation feeling even as we get back into the day-to-day routine.
Big things happening in June:
+ Disney trip! Ok, so this already happened last week but it was definitely the biggest June thing!
+ Emma starts summer camps. This will be a new experience, since she was at the NASA daycare with Charlotte last summer. She is nervous since it’s a change, but I think she’ll enjoy it. Today is her first day!
+ Father’s Day. I need to get the girls onboard with some sort of plan to celebrate Jose this week — with our vacation, Father’s Day kind of snuck up on me!
June goals:
+ Settle in to summer. Go to the pool as often as possible. Accept the heat and dress accordingly. Find lots of family fun. Make the most of the daylight.
+ Toy purge. This has been on my list for a long time, and I keep putting it off because it feels overwhelming — the amount of toys and kid stuff in our house is a bit out of control. This month I plan to start tackling it bit by bit, a shelf here, a bin there. If I can make even a small amount of headway, it will help.
+ Get back into a regular exercise habit. In May I made it back to Orange Theory, and took several good walks both with my mom and on my own, but now I need to make the exercise habit stick again. Three times a week would be a great start.
+ Re-engage with my 100 Day Project. It fell by the wayside due to vacation and the prep involved, so I haven’t really done anything in the last 10-12 days. There’s a whole month to go though, so still plenty of time to get some good sewing done!
Happy June, everyone!
What camps is Emma doing?
She’ll spend several weeks at the place she normally goes for after-school. They have a summer program with field trips, swimming, etc. Then she’s got two weeks at 2 other more specific camps, both STEM focused. As you can imagine, there are a lot of STEM oriented camps around here!