Where do I begin?
My gum surgery went well enough (Friday before last) and I can eat most foods again. Fingers crossed I don’t have to have this particular variety of dental pleasantry again for at least a good several years.
My mother-in-law has been visiting for the last week and we’ve having a nice time. It never ceases to amaze me how much easier the daily routine of life feels when there is an extra set of adult hands in the house.
I did not get the job that I wrote about last week, so time to figure out what next. For the last several years, I have days where I think that I can really make a difference at NASA. And then I have days where I seriously consider leaving engineering behind entirely.

Our neighborhood had its annual Easter egg hunt and spring crawfish boil yesterday and the weather was absolutely the most perfect spring weather anyone could hope for. I so wish we had weather like this more often, but I will try to soak it up when I can.
Glad your surgery went well. Wish I had advice on the job front! And yes, the weather is amazing right now!
As someone who left engineering for procurement about 8 years ago, I get that. I recently read the book “I miss you when I Blink” and highly recommend it if you’re a Type A person who is feeling adrift.
Thanks for the recc! I just put it on hold at the library.
Sorry to hear about not getting that job.
Thanks! I’m disappointed but at the end of the day, it’s just a job. I have to remind myself to keep it in perspective.
I’m catching up on blogs today. I just found out a few days ago that I didn’t get a job I really wanted (I’m finishing my master’s degree and trying to figure out what next). I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get the job, though it made me feel a bit better to remember I’m not alone in this boat. Good luck to you as you figure out what’s next!
You are definitely not alone! It’s been a couple weeks now, which fortunately is long enough for me to see that in the long run, this may actually work out for the better. In any case, there will always be other opportunities. Good luck to you as well!