We had a pretty picture perfect Easter weekend. The weather was just amazing — brilliant blue skies, not a cloud in sight, temperatures in the 70s and low humidity. Ahhh. Someone remind me of this weekend in a month from now, when I will surely be bemoaning the arrival of summer heat.

We kicked off the holiday weekend with Charlotte’s Easter party and egg hunt at daycare. Emma was out of school for the day but went to her usual after-school place (which does a full day program when school is out), so I picked her up early to join us. She helped “hide” the eggs and was an enthusiastic helper during the hunt itself. Ha!

We spent Saturday morning with our neighbors dyeing Easter eggs on the driveway. They had an egg spinner and it was literally one of the most fun gadgets I’ve seen in quite a while. It’s got admittedly limited usefulness outside of Easter…but making rainbow striped eggs was fun for both kids and adults! We dyed several eggs the traditional way too, but the egg spinner was clearly the winner.

After lunch, we headed out to Disney on Ice! I bought the tickets somewhat spontaneously a few weeks ago but we hadn’t told the girls until the middle of last week and they were pretty excited. Emma had been once before but it was 3+ years ago so she didn’t really remember much. And I don’t think Charlotte truly realized what it was until we were there — she kept asking if it was a movie, and if we were going to the movie theater. They both loved it, and I was actually pretty entertained myself too.

We wrapped up the Easter weekend with lunch at our friends’ house yesterday. It was just our two families but we had a ton of yummy food to go around, and had another egg hunt in their yard before playing a bit more with sidewalk chalk and frisbees. I counted them all up and between the two of them, the girls enjoyed at least 5 egg hunts — but that didn’t stop them from wanting more! We had a couple more rounds of egg hunts at home in our own backyard late yesterday afternoon. The eggs were empty by that point, but it didn’t make it any less fun.
(Also, if you check out the picture of Emma from Saturday vs. the picture above, you might notice that she lost another tooth! It’s her 7th and she’s not even 7 yet, which seems crazy but I suppose that’s how it goes. It had gotten pretty loose over the last week and she pulled it out at bedtime on Saturday.)
Since having kids, my experience has been that weekends can be a bit stressful — sometimes even more than the weekdays. But this was basically my idea of a perfect weekend, and I LOVED IT. We had plenty of family time, we spent time with friends, we spent time outside, and we also had a bit of downtime both days when I got to sew.