I am no longer merely 40. Now I am officially “in my 40s.” Woo!
It has been a good birthday. Jose had to teach tonight, so we went out to dinner as a family last night at the Cheesecake Factory. A CF outing is somewhat of a tradition for my birthday at this point. It doesn’t happen every year, and the attendance has certainly changed over time, but the tradition predates both kids and Jose! It’s much easier now that there is one in our area of town, and no one has to trek over to the Galleria. Heh.
Today, the girls were excited to sing to me — multiple times — and presented me with quite a stack of drawings and homemade cards. Jose got tickets for us to go see a dance performance in a couple weeks. I had several things going on at work that prevented me from taking the day off, but Jose and I went out to lunch. The weather was gorgeous. I facetimed with my parents and my sister. And my friend and neighbor invited us over for dinner and cake since Jose was at class.
All in all, it was a lovely day. Here’s to 41!