Well, the government shutdown just keeps going as we drag ourselves into the 5th week. I am livid. I am numb. I am still simply trying to make the best of things.
Last week, for instance, there were several silver linings. I was able to be home while our floors got redone. I was able to be home to get the house back in order quickly. It was easy to stay home on Thursday and Friday when I came down with the typical 3-day winter crud. It was easy for Jose to go with Charlotte on her field trip on Friday.
And actually, between the floors and a couple (minor) health issues, it turned out to be a fairly stressful week. No work helped ease that a bit.
But here we are again this week, with no real hope of this thing ending anytime soon. I have quite a few quilting and design-related things to keep me busy this week but at some point my family is going to need, you know, ACTUAL INCOME again.

Both girls were out of school yesterday, so we had a nice 3-day weekend. We spent a few hours in Galveston on Saturday for lunch and some time at the children’s museum, which was very kindly offering free admission for furloughed federal employees. We came back in time for dinner with friends.
We spent most of Sunday at home, and Jose and our neighbor got 2 of our 3 toilets reinstalled. (They had been removed for the new floors. And with the height of the new floor, turns out we need longer closet bolts for the 3rd one now.
Yesterday we had donuts for breakfast and then hung out with our neighbors for several hours before heading out to pick up new shoes for Charlotte.
Today, of course, both girls are back at school. I went to Orange Theory this morning — I figure there are zero excuses for not working out several times per week while the furlough continues — and have some tech editing and pattern writing to do this afternoon.
I’m also still getting the house back in order after all the tile work last week…and I need to start moving things out of my sewing room in preparation for the new wood floors going into that room in a couple weeks. It’s the water damage to the sewing room floor that initiated all this flooring in the first place. (The kitchen and bathrooms got done first, which is funny since they were all “just” an escalation of needing to replace the sewing room wood! Ha!)
It will be nice to get through all the flooring!