My guild — the Gulf Coast MQG — had its holiday party on Sunday and I needed to take something small for the white elephant gift exchange. It didn’t take me too long to decide that a set of hexie coasters would be perfect!

Want to make your own? The tutorial is 5 Minute Hexie Coasters by Thistle Thicket Studio, and I came across it via Quilting Jetgirl, who made set for her own gifting needs a couple weeks ago.
This was a SUPER quick and easy project — it took longer to cut and press the hexagons than it did to sew the coasters together. I was able to use a bundle of 5″ charm squares from Crafty’s Boundless solids collection that was gifted to me in November, and the bright colors really made this set of coasters bold and fun.
(And since I have a second bundle of the same fabric, I may just make myself a set too!)
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blog writing challenge!
They are rather addicting to make. It definitely takes longer to select fabric and cut than it does to put them together!