I took both girls to the dentist earlier this week. It was Charlotte’s first visit and since she tends to be quite wary of new things and people, I was not expecting much. At Emma’s first visit three years ago, she ended up in tears and wouldn’t let the hygienist do any cleaning; I figured Charlotte would do the same.
But she was amazing! Maybe it was because she saw Emma go first, maybe it was because Emma had told her that there were toys to be had at the end, or maybe I just underestimated her…but the visit went absolutely swimmingly. She let the hygienist inspect, polish, and even floss her teeth and then happily accepted a new blue toothbrush. Yay Charlotte!
We had our annual holiday party at work today…and I missed it because I ended up having to support an all-day meeting. Woe is me! The meeting did break for lunch, and during those 45 minutes my coworker and I rushed over to our building, scarfed down our plates of food that other coworkers had nicely gotten for us, and then rushed back to the meeting.
But I did get to wear my epic Santa-space-unicorn Christmas sweater for 20 minutes while eating, so it wasn’t a total loss?

I took a look at my Instagram “top nine” for the year, even though there are a few weeks left. Unsurprisingly, 7 of 9 are quilts, and an 8th is quilt-related. I did get warm fuzzies to see that my holy crap I’ve worked for NASA for 20 years now post was a good one too.
Still need to finish that UFO on the lower left. Oops.

Last Sunday when we were at the park for a neighborhood party, our neighbor took a couple family photos. I had planned to use it on our Christmas card and we got a couple nice ones…and then I got home and discovered that the photo didn’t quite fit the aspect ratio of the picture on the cards that I had already done “buy now, personalize later” on.
Ugh! Fail! The “personalize later” option doesn’t let you change the actual design (which I knew and accepted) so we ended up taking another photo that wasn’t quite as good (because we took it inside with poor lighting) but fit the card. C’est la vie.
I think the one above is a keeper though. (And I actually was able to use this funny one on the back. Win!)
Tomorrow is a flex day for me — cue angels singing! — and I seriously need the time since we’ll be busy with quinceanera activities all weekend. I’ve got some graphic design work to finish up and then I’m hoping to get most of my Christmas shopping finished. I’d say I’m about 80% complete, but I still need to take care of stockings and one more family member.
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blog writing challenge!