A year ago, I was waking up from one of the most nerve-racking nights of my life. And “waking up” isn’t really even the right description, since Jose and I were awake basically the whole night. (I think I slept from about 3:30-4:30 and 6:30-8:30 a.m. and that was it.)
And while it did continue to rain — and rain, and rain, and rain — for several more days, that Saturday night of August 26/27 will always be the one seared into my brain as the worst night of Hurricane Harvey for us.
It has felt like a relatively dry spring and summer around here, but the occasional afternoon downpour can still bring back Harvey memories. “It’s raining so hard it almost sounds like Harvey,” we say. Almost.

I need to get a better photo, but I snapped this one yesterday at HEB of both girls in their mama-made dresses! I made Emma’s Incredibles dress back at the beginning of August for her birthday, and finally got Charlotte’s Daniel Tiger dress sewed up on Friday and Saturday after having the pieces cut out and waiting for a couple weeks. Both are the First Day Dress pattern by Dana Willard of Made Everyday. These were my 3rd and 4th times through the pattern so I’ve pretty much got it down by this point I hope!
I don’t make a lot of clothes for them, but I’m glad that they like it when I do. In fact, they are both wearing their dresses again today!
(Also, please note Emma’s red cowboy boots that she is totally obsessed with at the moment.)
I started my heart rate-based running program last week and Week 1 went well. I did all 5 runs — although calling them “runs” is pretty generous since there was quite a bit of walking involved to keep my heart rate under 140 beats per minute, and the parts that were “running” felt like I was practically running in place.
I’m going to have to put my Orange Theory membership on hold for a couple months if I’m really going to make this training program work. There’s just no way I can keep up with 5 heart rate-based runs per week plus two OTF sessions, even if I double up on some days. (And doubling up workouts on a single day is something I have never, ever done even when I was training much more seriously, so there is absolutely no reason to start doing it now. Also: ain’t nobody got time for that! Not this girl anyway.)
I could arguably make OTF fit into the program if I just ignored the coach during the treadmill portion and just ran at a crawl for those 25 minutes. That way I could still do the strength portion, which I do think is very beneficial. But that seems like a waste of money, and this training program does include some strength work that I can do on my own.
So! We shall see. I will say that the workouts thus far have left me super sweaty but not completely overheated, and that’s very welcome for this time of year.