It occurred to me last week — on a day that I felt cruddy enough that I stayed home sick, yet still found myself making a cardboard box car for Charlotte at 9 a.m. so that she wouldn’t be the only one without a box car that afternoon at 3 p.m. — that perhaps some changes are needed. Life right now seems like a time that I’ll look back on as “the good old days”…and it ALSO feels like a complete and utter slog.
Perhaps that is normal. Perhaps in a week, a year, a decade, people forget the slog part and only remember the good parts.
I’m feeling more optimistic after having a nice weekend, but still. The slog has got to end at some point, right?
The past few days have been the hottest of the year so far. Yesterday the “feels like” temperature was 109…at 6:30 p.m. Despite the ridiculousness of the temperatures, it’s something that happens every year around here and I’m happy to report that my plan to embrace the summer heat is working pretty well. That doesn’t mean I was running around at noon yesterday or anything, but it does mean that I’m not letting it get me down.
Sonic frozen lemonades also help cool things off…
…as do trips to the pool. We went over for a short swim on Saturday evening, and ran into one of Emma’s kindergarten classmates! It was the second weekend in a row that we’d run into one of her school friends, and it made me realize that when the school year starts up again, I really want to make more of an effort to connect with some of the other parents of the kids in her class. There are at least 3 or 4 who were in her class last year that live in our neighborhood, which would make meeting up at the pool or the park super, super easy.
Emma’s birthday is only 2 weeks away, so yesterday we went to pick out some decorations. She had previously decided on an “Incredibles” theme, and despite all the temptation of a zillion other options at the party store, she stuck with it. After we’d gotten our things there, we stopped by Joann’s because I need some black and white solid cotton. That was it.
But of course I left with more. I spotted several bolts of Incredibles fabric, and offered to make Emma a dress to wear to her party — which of course she wanted. And when I saw another several bolts of Astros fabric, I offered to make Jose another pair of pajama pants — which of course he wanted too. So! Two new projects on my plate because I didn’t have enough already, right?
I’m excited to make them both though. For the Incredibles dress, I’ll use the exact same pattern I used last year for her Trolls dress, but I’ll have to make it a size or two bigger because she has grown! For the pajama pants, I’ll use the same Simplicity pattern I’ve now used three other times. Since both of them are “repeats,” here’s hoping I don’t mess anything up!
On Saturday we finally made it to the library! This is something I’ve been wanting to make a more regular part of our weekend schedule, but it’s been tough in the past because there are often other activities that pop up on Saturdays, and they’re closed on Sunday. But I’m hopeful that we can get into a more regular routine. Since you can check out books for 2 weeks at a time, it would work well to make this an every-other-Saturday activity.
This week I’m looking forward to (hopefully) calm work days, a get-stuff-done flex Friday, and a visit from my parents, who arrive next weekend! Hooray!
This is just a holler out to the “slog”! I hear you, I see you, I feel you. We’ll get there!
Thank you Janice! It always makes me feel better to know I’m not alone.
Play dates at each other’s houses are also good with neighborhood friends