First of all, shout out to my friend Katie, who I had dinner with last night and who texted me earlier this week just to say that even when I only go a few days between posts, she misses them. Hi Katie! I have admittedly been in a funk lately for many reasons, some that I’ve mentioned here and some that I haven’t, and one side effect of that is reduced blog posting. Time and motivation are both lacking, and there’s been some writer’s block (blogger’s block?) throw in too. But yesterday I took two candies from my boss’s office and both of them said basically the same thing, so that’s got to be a sign of something, right?
Last Sunday I did the Run Houston Clear Lake 10K. It started at 7:30 but of course that made no difference because it was hot, y’all. Real hot. The first four miles actually went better than I expected, but the last two miles felt pretty brutal. It’s an out-and-back course along Bay Area Blvd and even though there are a lot of trees, there is somehow NOT a lot of shade. I took it easy — well, as easy as you can in the summer heat — and was happy with my 1:16 finish time. I met up with a friend before and after, and it was a fun morning overall.
(It was also my first race as a 40-year-old! I’m a “master” now!)
After a ton of activity last weekend (lots of swimming, lots of time with friends, and the race) this weekend is looking a bit slower. I’m having oral surgery on Monday morning and I’m totally dreading it, so my goal is pretty much to just relax over the weekend and just get through Monday. I’ve got my monthly quilt guild meeting on Sunday afternoon, which will help with that! (If you’re local and like quilting, you should totally join us.) I don’t have much from the past month to bring for show-and-tell, so maybe I’ll just take my stack of 100 Day Project blocks! Or maybe I’ll take my Gypsy Wife top and get suggestions on how to quilt it because I STILL can’t decide.
I was remembering earlier this week that a year ago, Jose and I were about to head out on vacation to Belize. Man. I could go for another vacation like that right now.
Katie B. says
Yay – you blogged (and I am honored to get a “shout out” on it)! 🙂