Hey ho, the weekend is here again! We don’t have too many plans other than a birthday party tomorrow morning. It’s at a local splash pad, so hopefully the weather holds out. The forecast for the next 4-5 days is calling for a lot of rain and thunderstorms thanks to a not-an-official-tropical-thing-but-still-something in the Gulf of Mexico. We need the rain, so it’s not all bad…as long as it comes down at a reasonable rate.
Last Saturday was the final day of the spring swim session. Both girls moved up to the next level, and the only day/time option to get them both in the water at the same time was Wednesday evening. Weeknights are more hectic, but it will be nice to have Saturday morning free again. There are so many other things that come up on Saturday mornings — parties, activities, etc — that we seemed to be skipping at least one swim class every month, and sometimes more.
Last Sunday in the late afternoon, I took both girls over to our neighborhood pool by myself. I’ve taken both of them with friends and neighbors a couple times when Jose didn’t come along, but I think this is the first time I’d ever done it truly on my own — just the three of us. It was great, and I realized that this is the first summer it’s really been an option to do that. Charlotte wears her floaties and has become very confident to splash around with them on. (We have this kind and they work so, so well. They keep her head above water, but also let her swim on her stomach or float on her back.) And Emma’s tall enough now that she can keep her head just above water in the shallow end of the pool, and she swims well enough that she doesn’t need me right next to her all the time. (And she loves the diving board now!)
All in all, this is kind of a game changer. I love going to the pool, but Jose’s not as much of a fan. If I can comfortably take the kids by myself, then the girls and I get to swim AND Jose doesn’t have to AND he gets a bit of time to himself. Win win win!
It’s a flex day, and I’ve got a bunch of sewing plans for myself. Aside from my 100 day project (check out my progress above!), my sewing has been suffering from quite a bit of “analysis paralysis” as I try to decide what’s next. I’ve already finished 3/5 of the things on my spring goals list, and my list of future ideas is alllll over the place. I want to write a couple patterns, and make a couple quilts, and make some shirts, and do some design work. And do I want to make something to enter in QuiltCon this year? Aaaaaaah! Where do I start?
So today, I’m planning to tackle several lingering projects. The list below sounds like a lot for one day, but if things go smoothly I can probably knock everything off this list in 4-5 hours — and free up some mental and physical space along the way.
- Finish the Bondi top I started a couple weeks ago. I’ve been procrastinating because the next step involves getting out my backup sewing machine so I can do an overcast stitch. (My main machine is straight stitch only.) Plus I’m having serious doubts about my fabric choice. But today I’m going to just finish it and see. Worst case scenario if I don’t like it is that I just cut it back up and use it in a quilt instead.
- Finish the Free Spirit tank I started last summer. Yes. Last summer. I cut half of it and then didn’t finish, probably again because I got lazy about getting out my other sewing machine. (And then because it was no longer tank-wearing weather.)
- Make a couple blocks for Quilts for Cure. I picked up a free charm pack at QuiltCon for this project, and it’s been sitting ever since. The deadline isn’t until November, but I’m ready to get the blocks done and sent on their way.
- Baste the baby quilt I’ve been working on on-and-off for a couple months. And maybe start quilting it too.
- Cut sashing and cornerstones for my barn quilt BOM quilt top.
Wish me luck!
After yesterday’s dental loveliness, here’s something still teeth-related but more interesting. I took Emma for her regular checkup and cleaning a week or so ago, and they took x-rays for the first time. If you’ve never seen an x-ray of a kid’s mouth, you should totally google it because it is soooo weird and creepy. You can see the baby teeth, some still fully rooted and some with the root entirely gone. And then you can see these giant adult teeth just hanging out underneath them waiting to work their way up. There are just SO MANY teeth in Emma’s mouth right now.
She lost both of her bottom front teeth last fall, but nothing since. Her top two front teeth are wiggly, but I don’t think they’re anywhere close to falling out just yet.
Since I can’t really exercise for a couple weeks, I decided to freeze my Orange Theory membership for 30 days. This will be the first time in more than 18 months that I haven’t gone there at least a couple times per month. I’m a bit worried that taking a few weeks off will drain my motivation — there’s a lot of value in exercise being a habit, and past experience tells me that I am rather prone to “falling off the horse,” so to speak. If you don’t hear me talking about re-starting my OTF membership in mid-July, you have permission to remind me!
As an FYI, OTF will automatically restart it for you after the time period you specified is complete.
That’s what they told me! Good to know!