I am home from Quiltcon! If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that it was quite the week — I had a great experience and will write more about it later this week when I get a few moments. In the meantime, I wanted to share the mini quilt I made for the Modern Quilt Guild’s second annual swap. I was paired with Amber and after considering several different options, I decided to go with both her admiration of Carolyn Friedlander and her love of acid green to make this mini.
The pattern is Everglade, which I first tried out during a workshop hosted by the Houston MQG about 18 months ago. The nine blocks are all hand-appliqued, which turned out to be really fun if time-consuming. It also caused a brief bout of thumb tendonitis, but that went away quickly and hopefully won’t stop me from more applique in the future. The fabrics are a mix of what I had in my stash, including designs by Carolyn Friedlander, Anna Maria Horner, Libs Elliot, Tula Pink, Karen Lewis and Stitch in Dye.
Part of the reason Amber and I were paired up is that we both said we wanted to exchange minis in person at Quiltcon! We met up with all the other swap participants on Saturday and I was excited to see the great graphic mini she made for me. It’s based on a Josef Albers painting — so cool, right? I’m looking forward to hanging it up on the wall in my sewing room!
Looks like a great swap!