We went to Toys R Us in search of a bow and arrow as a reward for hitting 20 days on her bedtime behavior chart. We hadn’t been there in at least 2 years.
Emma: “I wish this was our home! Then when I said ‘can I have that?’ you would say yes! And when I say ‘can I have this?’ you would say yes!”
Jose: “Hmm, there’s no parking.”
Emma: “Well! I declare war.”
While making crowns in North Carolina…
Emma: “Well, Grandfather has a big head.”
Grandfather (from the other room): “What?”
Emma: “We’re just talking about you! No worries!”
Emma: “I’m practicing how I will sleep on Daddy. But not you, because you don’t like me to sleep on you. So just on Daddy, because it’s so nice and cozy!”
Beautiful photo of my beautiful grandgirl