I saw an opthalmologist this morning, just to confirm that the weird visual aura I had a few weeks ago is nothing to worry about. (Spoiler alert: could happen again, but yep, nothing to be concerned with and my eyes look lovely.)
I also let them dilate my eyes. I’ve waived this for years when I go to the optometrist, but I figured I might as well do the whole she-bang today and make sure she got as good a look inside my eyeball as she could.
And WHOA. I guess it’s been long enough that I forgot what it’s like to have your eyes dilated. It’s a cloudy day, so brightness hasn’t been a problem, but I can’t focus on a darn thing within about 5 feet of my face. While sitting at the doctor, I had my contacts out, so I could see things by bringing them up close. But then I put my contacts back in and lost all ability to see things like 1) my phone and 2) a computer screen. This made the prospect of going to work rather fruitless.
Fortunately, I could see distance just fine so, after managing to use my phone well enough to dictate a text message to my boss, I drove myself home where I am now waiting for my eyes to return to normal. It is rather stunning to be reminded how important your vision is, and how so much of what I do depends on my ability to focus on various screens that are never more than 2-3 feet away.
I tried to think of things I could do at work this morning that wouldn’t require me to use a computer (or read something printed) and honestly? I couldn’t come up with anything!
And now that I’m home with a couple extra hours, I hardly know what to do with myself! I can’t see close enough to sew either. So I guess it’s watching TV — which is on the other side of the room from the couch — until this wears off?
What a weird morning.
p.s. I typed this entry on my computer and then rolled my chair back a foot or so to proofread (so I think it’s already getting better) but no guarantees this isn’t riddled with typos! Ha!
Glad you are ok!