I’m doing a longarm quilting orientation class today! So excited! And this weekend I’m going to a meeting of the new Clear Lake Modern Quilt Guild that’s being formed! Yay!
I’m in week 2 of the Orange Theory transformation challenge and it’s going fine. Two weeks isn’t enough to notice a difference yet, but I’m trying! I started tracking my calories in MyFitnessPal again and hope to continue that for the duration of the challenge. I’ve also cut out soda entirely. (I had already reduced my soda intake a few months ago, so I figured I’d just go all the way for the next couple months.)
The only hiccup so far is that I somehow managed to strain/pull a muscle in my neck!! I think it actually happened during a session just before the challenge officially began, nearly 2 weeks ago, when we did a bunch of ab exercises — and I know, I know, neck pain means you aren’t doing the exercises exactly right. (My abs are nonexistent. Sigh.) Anyway, I didn’t notice anything at the time, but the next day my abs and neck were both sore. A day later, it felt like a had a crick in my neck. And then a couple days later that ache had grown to the point that it was actually pretty darn bothersome and just constantly hurting.
I did some reading (and kept going to Orange Theory while being careful not to further aggravate anything — somehow exercising actually makes it feel BETTER) and started icing/heating a couple times each day along with taking ibuprofen. In the last 36 hours, it seems to have finally turned a corner and is feeling better. Instead of being painful enough to be a distraction, it’s now a dull ache.
Man, I’m tired of all these random health issues. Is this just what happens when you turn 40? Ugh!
So far we are utterly unprepared for Valentines Day next week — except for these cute outfits that my mom sent for the girls that they were modeling outside HEB last weekend. At least I’ve got until Wednesday! Hopefully the stock of cards at Target won’t be too wiped out and Emma can find something she likes.
If you need me for the next 2 weeks, I’ll be watching the Olympics non-stop. That is all.
Um no. It isn’t what happens when you turn 40. I’m almost 55. What it does mean that, as you know, you haven’t always put your health in the list. When ppl don’t do that, sure after 40 you are going to have issues; prob before 40 actually.. I wish ppl would quit blaming everything wrong with them on age. ITS NOT YOUR AGE.
That was meant to be a rhetorical/sarcastic question.
Oh my God. I would say at least 50% of the time when I go to yoga even if I am “honoring the body I have today” I do something weird to my neck. The hot pack solves all IMO.
“Honoring the body I have today” — ha, I need to remember that more often and take it easy sometimes!
Since I also have bad form/.no abs I end up with minor injuries a lot too. I go to Airosti and it is super helpful. I see Dr. Unger. https://www.airrosti.com/.