I’d like to say that we had a lovely day yesterday at home to wrap up our holiday break. And it WAS nice, for the first half. There was even the cute moment above, when Emma was reviewing her sight words and after she said each one, Charlotte would repeat it. They had a little rhythm going.
But then Charlotte wouldn’t nap and then basically wanted to be physically on top of me from about 2:30 until bedtime, and that starts to drive me crazy after an hour or two and I become SUPER pleasant to be around.
I keep thinking she is exiting the clingy stage. And I keep being TOTALLY WRONG.
I did get some fun news to cheer me up yesterday evening though — I won the prize in the Gypsy Wife sew along! Angie of Gnome Angel was the host, and her husband picked my quilt as the winner! So that was super exciting, and I can’t wait to go on a little shopping spree at the Amitie Textiles website.
My brother got me a Google Home Mini for Christmas and we’ve been having fun seeing what it can do. Emma loves to ask it to tell us a joke. I like asking it what the temperature is outside. Charlotte likes saying “hey Google” but it’s in no way, shape or form clear enough for the device to understand her.
Brian also gave me one smart plug, but I haven’t set that up yet so we haven’t been able to have any fun with having it turns our lights on and off. Soon though!
Our flight back to Houston on Saturday night landed at 8:45, so by the time we got back to the house it was after 10:00. The girls had fallen asleep in the car, so we got them inside and in bed, and then Jose and I unloaded the rest of the suitcases and backpacks and coats and stroller. Amidst all that, neither one of us remembered to lock the car.
We probably would never have noticed this on any other night, but Saturday night also happened to be the night some punk(s) went through the neighborhood breaking into cars. When we came out on Sunday to head to the grocery store, the trunk was popped slightly open. I figured we hadn’t closed it well enough, but then I noticed the glove box was open and stuff was strewn all over the passenger seat.
So yeah, our car got “broken” into, although since it was unlocked, there wasn’t any damage and since there was nothing of value inside, joke’s on the thief. Jose’s pretty sure there were a couple old CDs in the center console that got taken, but nothing more than that.
(And really? Who steals CDs? They have, like, zero value anymore!)
I looked on NextDoor and found at least 3-4 other mentions of car vandalism Saturday night. It wasn’t clear whether all of those cars were locked or not, but our other car was locked, and there was no sign of any attempt to get inside that one. I figure it was just some jerk being opportunistic — trying all the door handles up and down the street to see which cars were open.
It’s disconcerting to know that someone was messing around our cars and driveway in the middle of the night while we were all asleep inside…but I also recognize that it’s probably not the first time. I’m just thankful that the only consequences were a couple CDs and our general annoyance, rather than anything worse.
I think NextDoor has been most valuable about the theft thing. I don’t get on nearly as often, only when I’m trying to sell something, but my husband gets on frequently and is always telling me about what is going on theft wise. I live in a semi-rural quickly turning into suburban area, but most of it isn’t within a city limits so it gets zoned weird and people can do whatever. There have been a lot of people with vacant land (beautiful pine plots, sniff sniff) being turned into RV/trailer parks. While a couple have put some effort into making them nice, most are just clearing land and putting in septic areas and space for people to come in and there has been an increase in theft. Great. I hate to be classist and *that person* but it is entirely frustrating that this is happening. So, I get griped at when I forget to lock my car. Our driveway is long and if someone is at our front door they better have a reason or there’s a problem. I have gotten too comfortable I know, but this just reminds me that I need to be better about locking the car!
Car prowls happen pretty regularly in my neighborhood. I think it’s probably pretty normal in any major city. I don’t think it happened in our little neighborhood on the mountain where I grew up.
Congrats on the quilt win! I love that one.
The clingy stage with Bri is basically passed, so I’m guessing it’ll pass with Charlotte sometime in the next year. It makes me sad actually with Bri, that it’s passing. Easy to say now, I guess.
Yeah, the car thing actually didn’t bother me much since there was no damage. A good reminder that there’s a reason why everyone locks their cars and homes.
I had this happen once, someone took a Dragonfly Christmas ornament I had hanging from my rear view mirror in my Jeep. I always figured it was better to leave the doors unlocked and nothing valuable in my car than risk a smash and grab (especially replacing Jeep canvas being knifed through). I had my radio stolen at GT over Christmas break one year, GT police left a business card but didn’t bother even covering the broken window exposing my car to three weeks of rain, but no one has expensive/steal-able after market car radios any more..