We are all thawing out over here and getting back to normal. (The high tomorrow is 70! Yes! Bring it!) I’ve totally lost track of what day it is after this wonky week, and keep reminding myself it’s Friday. Which — hooray, Friday! But also? Another two days of family togetherness, and my kids have been in school 6 days in the last 4 weeks, and Mama needs a break.
One “casualty” of the ice storm has been our mail delivery. We’ve gotten exactly 3 pieces of mail since last Friday, so I’m pretty sure the only day it’s actually been delivered was Saturday Monday was a holiday, and then Tuesday through yesterday appear to be a black hole of no mail. What the heck happened to neither rain nor snow nor blah blah blah? For the most part, I don’t really mind but last night I had a minor freak out about my QuiltCon quilts. I dropped them off at the UPS store on Monday and was patting myself on the back for getting them out before the storm, but as of last night the last tracking update showed them in Houston on Monday night…and nothing in the three days since. Were they still in Houston? How much of a backlog does UPS have from the ice? Is there still enough time to get to LA by next Wednesday?
But I checked again this morning and to my immense relief, the tracking has finally been updated and both quilts are…in Los Angeles! Hooray! They haven’t been delivered yet (which was originally supposed to happen yesterday) but at least they are in the general vicinity.
There’s a government shutdown looming tonight if Congress can’t get their act together today. While I wouldn’t mind a few days off with my kids still going to school (which is what happened last time in 2013)…it’s really just easier for everyone if the government DOESN’T shut down. Hopefully they can get something passed today or over the weekend. Otherwise, I’ll be coming in Monday morning to conduct an “orderly shut down” and then head back home until Congress figures it out. Sigh.
Emma was asking to watch iPad incessantly on Wednesday and when I said no, she kept asking me what she could do instead. I told her to figure it out herself and after some whining, she finally wandered off and got some paper and markers from the art cabinet in the kitchen. She asked me what some of my favorite things in the house were, and I said “my sewing machine.” So she drew it! Isn’t this the coolest? It’s my very favorite thing this week, and I already have it taped on the wall in my sewing room.
Last night was Jose’s first class of the semester, and therefore my first night solo parenting. It went well! I admittedly did NOT stick to the new “no iPad on school nights” rule, but we watched a little and were able to turn it off at bedtime without a meltdown. Whew. The girls and I had a pretty decent routine going in the fall, but that seems like a distant memory after a month of holidays and more. Hopefully we’ll get back into our habits without issue.
I really love Emma’s drawing!
Emma’s drawing is classic Juki! Did she draw a stack of fabric next to it?
She had asked me about my favorites things in the house and I said “well my sewing machine…and all our books…” So those green rectangles are the books!