I made the rather spur-of-the-moment decision this morning to jump into Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge. I think the focus is quilt blogging but in my case, I’ll certainly be writing about both quilting and plain ol’ life! I’ve been in a bit of a blogging slump lately and honestly, I miss this space. In recent years I’ve flip-flopped several times about what I want this space to be — just my casual space? something more formal? should I try to build an audience? should I monetize? — but really, I just want to write about whatever I feel like writing about. Yep, I’m the one still over here maintaining a basic un-themed online diary not all that different than what I was doing in 1999. But since I’m a senior citizen as far as blogging goes, I figure a bit of a “get off my lawn!” attitude is well-earned.
But onward!
Last night I submitted two quilts for QuiltCon! Nothing like squeaking them in mere hours before the deadline, eh? I’ll post more about each one in the next few days. (I shared a photo of one on Instagram today.)
Today has been one of my regular “flex” Fridays off work and today there was a twist — Jose stayed home too. Unfortunately it was because he’s been sick since Wednesday, but it was still kind of nice to have someone else in the house and to have a bit of time without the kids, even if we did spend it doing different things. He spent a few hours binge-watching Stranger Things 2 while I forged ahead with most of the things I already had planned for today. I worked on a new quilt pattern and cut some fabric for the last few blocks of my Gypsy Wife quilt this morning. We’ve been having a run of absolutely gorgeous weather so around 1:00 I went for a nice 5-mile run. After a shower and a snack, I went to the post office to pick up some holiday stamps in anticipation of our Christmas cards arriving today. (Woo! My cards are here by December 1 and I’m feeling super on top of things…at least for today.)
And oh! With December finally here it’s obviously time to finish up Charlotte’s cross-stitched stocking by actually turning it…into a STOCKING. Ha! Step 1 was to give it a short soak since the cross stitch had been handled for several months. It’s drying now so there should be a real stocking hanging on the mantle by the end of the weekend.
(I got our holiday decorations down last Sunday and Emma has already commented a couple times about how she has a pretty stocking and the rest of us have plain stockings. At least I can remedy that for Charlotte!)
I look forward to seeing your stocking! What a darling cross-stitch.
I miss blogs that are just blogs. Glad to see you writing, too! Been blogging since 2002 but had some regular websites before that. I wish I’d known about blogging earlier because I sure as heck would have been doing that sooner.
My first “blogs” were entirely hand coded (because it was just super simple HTML). One of them even had — gasp — frames for layout. Ha!