These are becoming fewer and farther between as Emma gets older…but pretty soon I’ll be sharing Charlotte-isms instead!
I have never been able to do monkey bars, even when I was a kid. And now my 5-year-old is swinging her way across like it’s no big deal…
Emma: “Whoever gets to the door first wins!”
Me: “Oh you got there first!”
Emma: “Because I’m very fast and very pushy!”
Emma: “I spy…something green.”
Me: “Is it that tree?”
Emma: “No, it’s an orange.”
Me: “But you said it was green!”
Emma: “Remember I said I was going to trick you!”
One guess as to what she learned at school this day…
Emma: “Mom when we get home I want to help you fold clothes, and then you can give me some income!”
Emma: “When it’s Thanksgiving, they’ll put someone dressed like a chicken there. Chickens are for Thanksgiving because they love pumpkin pie.”
These made me laugh! Love them and so great that you are recording them so you won’t forget!
I love these. I’ve started writing down Elizabeth-isms.
Since you don’t have a blog, you should email them to me occasionally so I can laugh!