So, hi. Hello. I’m exhausted, so here I am writing a blog entry because that’s how I roll tonight, it seems…
The last month has been just so very full. Normal working-parents-plus-two-small-kids life, plus a ton of October events, plus postseason baseball to watch (and stress about), plus Quilt Market and Festival (which I will recap soon I hope), plus a work trip for Jose, plus a visit from my mom, all mixed with the standard (and some non-standard) array of viruses and illnesses. These are all good things (except for that last one) but whew. I’m feeling both totally overwhelmed and extremely worn out. And with Thanksgiving and Christmas imminently on the horizon, I don’t have a lot of hope that things will calm down soon.
So let’s see. Halloween was fun, and then the Astros won the World Series. I mean !!!! I didn’t have time to write lengthy blog posts about each game like I did in 2005 but man, what a series! It was almost a relief when they jumped out to an early lead in Game 7…but then I spent the next few hours barely breathing until the final out was in Gurriel’s glove at first base. Wow. Insane. Amazing. This is only the second time any of “my” teams has won a championship, and the last time was when the Braves won the Series in 1995. (I was a Braves fan in high school and college.) I know everyone’s been saying that Houston really needed it this year, to provide a bright spot in the wake of Harvey, and maybe it’s a bit cliche but it’s also totally true. It was so, so fun to watch the city come together to cheer on the ‘Stros. It may very well end up being one of my favorite memories of 2017.
Fall weather has come and gone and come back again. Over the weekend it was 90 degrees and breaking records and I thought that was ridiculous. Today it was 60 degrees and I was cold all day and I thought that was ridiculous too. I suppose I need to move somewhere with a nice 75-degree temperature year round. I hear San Diego, perhaps?
This might be my new favorite picture of Charlotte. Tonight she was running back and forth between the pantry (in the background) and me sitting at the kitchen table and just having a grand old time. She’s also wearing these awesome PJs that used to belong to Emma. I loved them then and love them now that Charlotte fits into them. I’ve got a whole box of baby clothes under my sewing table that have now been worn by both girls. I want to do something with them, but I can’t figure out exactly what. A quilt is the obvious choice, I suppose, but I’m also toying with the idea of a wall hanging or pillow.
I had the “fun” experience of spending 24 hours in a tailspin about my current and future career this week. I had to make a decision about whether to apply for a job that would be a pretty major jump in status and responsibility. It’s a job I envision myself going for 3-5 years from now, and I didn’t anticipate having to consider whether I might be ready for it right now…until I got a couple hints that I should give it some thought.
I’m being purposefully vague and there’s a ton of different factors at play as you can imagine. Ultimately I decided not to apply. It’s a little tough to reconcile the idea that something I definitely want in the future is also something I don’t want right now — but that’s really what it came down to. All I can do is make what I think is the right decision now, and hope that the opportunity comes around again in a few years.
(There’s also a really good chance I am blowing all this out of proportion and should just relax, no?)
In summary:
There’s a lot going on. Mostly fun though.
How is it mid-November already??
The girls are happy and growing and keeping me on my toes.
Adulting is hard.
Careers are dumb, and can someone just pay me an engineer’s salary while I quilt all day?
The end.
“Careers are dumb, and can someone just pay me an engineer’s salary while I quilt all day?” Yes, this (one of the few things I miss about my engineering job are the salary and benefits (heck I’d take 1/4 of what I used to make)).
“Careers are dumb, and can someone just pay me an engineer’s salary while I quilt all day?” – LOL someone else thought to quote it too! Totally agree!!
Sub quilting for art/photography/gardening/crochet for me.
Ha! I love that you’re so honest about how working full-time in a mostly-rewarding career and parenting leaves very little time to do the other things that you love. As a working mom, I’m right there with you. Most days I love my work. I love the intellectual thrill of it all, and I worked hard in grad school so that I could have this career, right? But sometimes…sometimes I just really want to take a 3 month vacation.
Yep, you nailed it — as much as I enjoy and appreciate my career, some days it just all feels like too much.