Emma: “Do girls build planes?”
Me: “Sure they do. You could build planes when you grow up.”
Emma: “No I don’t want to build planes. It takes a lot of days. I just want to fly in planes.”
Emma: “Can we have those tortillas that look like pancakes?”
(She meant crepes.)
Emma: “Are doctors only girls?”
Me: “Well no, both boys and girls can be doctors. Pretty much any job can be done by both boys and girls.”
Emma: “Well I only have girl doctors.”
Me: “That tattoo says ‘sisters forever.’ Like you and Charlotte are sisters forever!”
Emma (brightly): “Well, until we die!”
Emma hands me a pack of Smarties she found in the pantry then covers her ears.
Me: “Why are you covering your ears?”
Emma: “Because I don’t want to hear if you say no.”
Emma: “Can I watch iPad?”
Me: “No, we’re going to talk to Gima.”
(moments later)
Me: “Ok, let’s see if Gima is available.”
Emma (excitedly): “I hope she’s NOT!”
We are also experiencing a lot of questions about jobs and if they are for boys and girls. Must be the age for it! It is making me hyper-aware of noticing what he is noticing and trying to provide counter-examples to break the stereotype.
I know! I was tempted to say “yep, girls are the best doctors!”
My new brother in law is a doctor. Eli said, “but, he’s a boy!?” I hadn’t realized until he said that, that the kids’ doctors are all female. Funny how easily they generalize things.