Every few weeks when I step back and look at what I’ve been working on to write a post like this, I surprise myself with how much I’ve been able to accomplish this year in my sewing room. I’ve made a ton of stuff on top of being a wife and a mom and working full-time. I’m giving myself a pat on the back — but also permission to slow down a little. I put a lot of projects on my place for spring and summer will be a good time to relax.
I’ll start with the biggest news: a couple weeks ago, I finished up a new version of my Triangles at Play quilt. I made this in collaboration with Craftsy using an upcoming release from their Lily & Loom fabric collection! I know — exciting! This fabric will be available for purchase at the beginning of July and you’ll even be able to buy a kit to make this specific quilt! Since that’s only a couple weeks away, I’m finally able to start spilling the beans on this fun project. I’ll be posting more about it before the end of June, so consider this a teaser…
For the last week I’ve spent most of my sewing time working on the Diamonds Galore quilt for my mom. I haven’t taken a photo of it since this one from last week, but since then I finished sewing the rows together, added borders, got it basted on Sunday and quilted on Monday! I was trying to get it finished before Mom flew in last night for a visit but alas, I didn’t quite make it — it still needs binding. But I showed it to her anyway (the design was a semi-surprise) and will finish it up this week.
I’m still on track in the Long Time Gone sew-along and we are getting so close to the end! The bad news is that I’ve got several things on my calendar in the next month that will eat into my sewing time…and I’m a little worried that I might fall behind. Eek! There’s only one more set of blocks to go but they are beasts — 16 pineapple blocks with 37 pieces in each one. Yes, that’s 592 pieces in all. And then as I looked over the pattern again last night, I realized that there’s actually a bit more “filler” to be made than I realized in the form of checkerboard blocks and borders. I’m going to do my very best to stay on track and hopefully I can limp across the finish line on time with the rest of the sew-along group.
And finally, if you’re a regular reader you’ve already seen these but if you’re new, here are three more finishes from the last few weeks — a Trolls dress for Emma, my Greenery mini quilt (which didn’t win anything in the Pantone challenge but no matter because I love it anyway!), and my Barn Quilt of the Month block for May. I’m working on June’s block but probably won’t get it posted until the last few days of the month.
Happy sewing!
(Linking up with Let’s Bee Social, Oh Scrap, Main Crush Monday, Linky Tuesday)

my quilt!! Can’t wait to wrap one of our 8 grandkids in it
It’s awesome to see all your progress and everything compiled together. How fun to be collaborating with Craftsy, and I hope you have a relaxing and fun summer.
Yes, you have accomplished a LOT! It’s so easy to feel discouraged when it seems like other quilters on the Internet are posting multiple finishes week after week. It sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate besides sewing. Cut yourself some slack if a few of those self-imposed deadlines slide by before you’ve finished. You deserve to savor every stitch and enjoy the process.
And I deserve to savor some chocolate ice cream, so I’m going to sneak out to the store and get some while my husband is picking up the kiddo from his choir practice. Don’t tell on me!
So many pretty blocks/pieces/quilts! It would be hard to pick a favorite.