Somehow it is already May and time for the first check-in on my crafty goals for spring.
- Finish Diamonds Galore quilt for Mom. This one’s been on hold for a week or so but I need to get back to it! My self-imposed deadline is mid-June, since my mom will be here for a visit and I can give it to her in person!
- Barn Quilt Block of the Month. April is done, two more to go this quarter.
- Modern Quilt Guild’s Riley Blake challenge. Done! I spent some time browsing the challenge hashtag on Instagram yesterday and there were so many awesome quilts and other sewn items made for this challenge. The chance of my mini winning anything is a super long shot, but I still really love what I made!
- Pantone quilt challenge. In work! I’m making a mini quilt and am nearly done with the top. I’ve really enjoyed making several minis lately as a great way to try out ideas without the significant time commitment of a larger quilt. This one’s based on a tile pattern I saw in a West Elm catalog a year or two ago. Block construction for this one has been a challenge. I made a triangle template for the corner pieces and pieced them together and in retrospect, I totally should have made paper piecing templates. I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me from the start — paper piecing is usually my go-to when I want a high degree of accuracy! Nonetheless, it’ll be ok in the end. I should be finished by mid-month and ready to submit for the challenge the last week of May.
- Mesa quilt for my new niece. Haven’t started yet. The self-imposed deadline for this one is the end of June, again so I can deliver it in person when we go for a visit in July!
- Long Time Gone Sew-Along. Totally on track — and actually, I’m ~2 weeks ahead of the sew-along pace now. I’ve got some vacation plans in June and July so I want to make sure I can finish along with everyone else even though I’ll be out of town (and away from my sewing machine) for some chunks of time. You can see my churn dash and courthouse steps blocks above, and I’ve also finished the log cabins and started on the first block of half square triangles.
- Secret Sewing project. Still to come, and the deadline isn’t set yet so this is a little wishy-washy right now.
- Finish Charlotte’s stocking. You guys! Thanks to a road trip and a couple nights of stitching while watching TV, I am soooo close to being done with the cross stitching! I’ve got one final chunk of green across the top border and then have to add her name. So close!
(Linking up with Let’s Bee Social, Oh Scrap, Main Crush Monday, Linky Tuesday)
So many pretty blocks in this post. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Wishing you the best of luck with all your projects. They look fun! So sending some motivation your way
I love what you’re doing with those green blocks! I’m looking forward to seeing them all put together. Inspiration for quilts come from everywhere – I was watching TV last night and a window in the show would be the perfect design for a quilt! Good luck on making progress on your list.