First of all: I’m putting the final touches on my Intertwined quilt pattern this week and plan to list it in my Craftsy shop no later than Monday. Yay! I’ll also share four awesome quilts made by my pattern testers when it goes live — they really did some beautiful work.
I’ve been plugging away at the Diamonds Galore quilt for my mom. There are only 12 blocks in the quilt but each one has 41 pieces. Yep — 41! Fortunately I was able to do a lot of chain piecing for the subcomponents of each block and with that done, I’m ready to start putting each block together.
I’m working about a week ahead in the Long Time Gone sew-along thus far, so I already have this week’s set of blocks done — six Crosses of the UK blocks. I’m pretty happy with how these turned out! Next up is a grouping of 9 blocks so hopefully I can stay ahead of schedule and knock those out.
I also picked up Charlotte’s stocking again for the first time in many weeks. Since I didn’t finish it in time for Christmas 2016, I want to make sure I don’t let it slide until it’s too late for 2017 too. I keep it sitting on top of my desk just so I don’t forget! I’m nearly done with the backstitching so I’m closing in on the end at last.
It looks and sounds like great progress!