Last weekend we took the girls to Mission Control for the first time along with some of Jose’s family who were visiting.
In the Apollo control room:
Me: “What do you think?”
Emma: “Is it time to go to the next room?”
In the space station control room:
Me: “Pretty cool, right?”
Emma: “Can we go to the next room now?”
In the bathroom:
Me: “Put your hand here and the soap will come out automatically.”
Emma: “Mom, this building is SO COOL!”
Me: “You need to eat 2 more bites.”
Emma: “Ohhhh how did I get myself into this?”
Me: “These are Girl Scout cookies.”
Emma: “Only girls can eat them?”
Emma: “What planet do you like?”
Me: “I like Saturn.”
Emma: “No, that’s what I was going to say. You choose another one.”
Me: “Ok, I like Mercury.”
Emma: “And what about Charlotte?”
Me: “I think she likes…Pluto.”
Emma: “Because it’s small?”
Me: “Yeah I think so!”
Emma: “And Daddy?”
Jose: “I like Jupiter.”
Emma: “And I like Saturn. Can we go into space and stand on Saturn’s rings please?”
Emma: “Mommy I love you. And I really love the things you say.”
Me: “The things I say? Like what?”
Emma: “Like we get to go to the park and watch iPad.”
She is so cute! That is so awesome that you’re documenting all of this!
The comments from the NASA tour made me laugh. Kids are funny. And automatic soap dispensers are pretty cool when you think about it