Last weekend Jose and his brother — who happily surprised us with a visit while their mom was already here — finally put together the playhouse the girls got as a birthday present last fall. It arrived right before we moved, and got put in the back of the garage, and on and on and on. Anyway, 6+ months later it is finally put together and as one would expect, the girls LOVE it. It’s already gotten a lot of use in only a week thanks to the lovely weather we’ve been having. We’ll see how their enthusiasm fares when the heat arrives, eh?
I got up to run on Wednesday morning for the first time since the time change, and I hadn’t anticipated that it would now be darker again! I stick fairly close to home on early runs and my neighborhood is reasonably well lit, but the sidewalks can be pretty uneven. If it’s rained recently, the sidewalks can also be pretty slippery due to dirt and mildew. For these reasons, I usually run in the street but with the return to darker mornings (for now) I’ve got to be more careful and make sure I’m as visible as possible. I’ve got an LED slap bracelet that I bought myself as a stocking stuffer in December, so I wear that. I wear a white or brightly colored shirt too. But I’m thinking it may be time to invest in a couple neon shirts or maybe a reflective vest. Those of you who are runners — any suggestions?
I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this already, but I’ve started coming home for lunch once or twice a week if my schedule allows it. It’s the best! I can get home, enjoy a break in the middle of the day, and get back to my desk in about 45 minutes. Yesterday I took part of this strawberry cream pie — made with the fruits of our strawberry picking outing, of course — back with me to share with my coworkers, so they benefit from my lunch breaks too! (Ha.)
We are closing on the sale of our old house a week from today. Yaaaaaay! I realized yesterday that there are still a few things in the garage that we need to pick up (or just throw away) this weekend so that’s on the agenda for tomorrow. But otherwise, everything’s been smooth sailing so far — the inspection only turned up a few really minor things and the appraisal came back as expected. I am SO EXCITED to get this house-selling experience behind us!
I come home from lunch and it is just amazing. My job in FL was 70miles one way and after doing that for six years having lunch at home is divine.
I need to make that pie. I’ve just been eating our strawberries with a dollop of yogurt but this looks much tastier!
Well the pie is probably tastier…a lot less healthy though! Lol!
I’m super paranoid about being visible when I run in the mornings (and it is never light out when I’m running at 5:30am). I have the pink Amphipod Xinglet Vest ( . Not the most fashionable running accessory, but it makes me visible and is nice because it doesn’t add any extra layers for summer running when I’m already sweating enough. Some reviews show that people have issues with the reflective stripe rubbing off, but mine seems to be fine after about 2 years of use. Brooks used to make a nice looking reflective vest, but I can’t find it anymore – I can only find reflective jackets which probably aren’t too useful in Houston most of the year!
I also wear a headlamp and put a light on Murray’s collar for additional visibility. Happy running!
Wow that vest is stylin’ indeed!
But it would definitely do the trick. I think I’ll order one.
Just a thought but if its been in the old garage for this entire time, you don’t need it obviously. Throw it or donate.
That’s the plan!
Also remember it wont be dark in the mornings for long, so don’t waste the money on anything else.
Congrats on the impending closing!
Lunch at home – cool!!
I die a little inside every time I see runners and bikers not well lit (which is…often). I have something similar to that amphipod thing another commenter mentioned – (the amazon price seems a bit high, but I bought mine years ago and don’t really remember.)
If you might be running in the street, please please do outfit yourself with something(s) reflective and a blinky light or two! I know that when we run we think we can see fine, and surely we are visible, but as a driver, I say you probably aren’t visible enough!
Yeah, I also feel like a bright shirt and a single LED wristband probably isn’t enough. I think I need a vest.