Dear Charlotte,
Happy 18 months! A full year and a half! The months sometimes feel so slow and yet they’re also so fast. I know I’ve said that before but I’ll say it again (and again, and again) and will probably still be saying it when you’re an adult and living off on your own.
The biggest change I’ve noticed in the last few months is that you’re becoming more and more communicative. I love it! Last night you told me you wanted more to drink by walking over to the counter and pointing insistently up to where we keep your sippy cups. You do something similar when you want a banana — otherwise known as “nana.” And while often your communication is still via grunts and screeches, it’s a good start. We learned in January that fluid buildup in your ears was impacting your hearing, and thus likely impacting your verbal development. Now that you’ve got a lovely set of ear tubes, I’m excited to know that more and more words will follow.
One word I’m still waiting to hear consistently is “mama.” I know! You don’t really say it yet! You continue to be ALL about Daddy — he’s “dada,” I’m “dada,” even Emma is “dada.” He was in Florida for work earlier this week and even though you couldn’t express it, you knew he was gone, and you were not happy about it. You wanted lots of extra love and snuggles, and it was hard for me to put you down even for a moment without tears or you attaching yourself to my leg. When he walked back in the door last night, your little face lit up like the sun and you threw your whole body at him. We were all happy to have him back, but I think you might have been happiest of all!
You continue to LOVE books. We read at least 3-4 books every night before bed and you always ask for more. When I come in the next morning to get you up, the first thing you reach for is the bookshelf. Even a month ago, you were often more focused on turning the pages than anything else, but in the last couple weeks I’ve noticed that you are slowing down, listening more, and really studying the pictures with newfound focus.
You’ve also gotten really into coloring after getting a set of big egg-shaped crayons for Christmas. They’re the perfect size and shape for your little hands right now and you often ask for them via a series of grunts and finger points whenever you see the big sketchbook we keep on the table in the living room. After a few close calls with you trying to scribble on top of Emma’s drawings — something your sister did not approve of! — we bought another sketchbook so you can scribble to your heart’s content.
I can’t remember if I’ve written about this before, but your most comfortable position continues to be 1) sucking your thumb, 2) twirling your hair (or someone else’s hair) and 3) being in physical contact with me or Daddy, preferably being held in our arms. The first two continue to be endearing, and the latter is still a source of frustration for me at times. But when you do what you’re did in the photo above — I had just walked in from a workout and you hurried over to give me a hug and settle into a comfy position leaning on my back — you’re just so darn sweet that it’s hard to be upset.
Your relationship with your big sister continues to evolve as you get older and more capable. Lately you’ve started copying her behavior and it’s one of my very favorite things in recent motnhs. If she hangs on the monkey bars at the park, you want to hang on the bars. When she walks around the house blowing on a toy flute, you get the second flute (yes, somehow we have two) and march along behind her. When she makes funny noises, you make them too. And when she sits down on the doorstep, you excitedly hurry over to join her.
Last night as Daddy’s plane was winging its way back to Houston, you and Emma and I spontaneously went out to dinner at Panera. We had been on our way to Emma’s swimming class, but I picked you up a bit late, and then traffic was a mess. When class time rolled around and we were only halfway there, I knew we needed a change of plans. I wasn’t sure how dinner would go — I’ve taken you both out on my own plenty of times, but not for a meal. But it was so fun, and quite possibly the most pleasant moment of the whole week! As you grow, doors that seemed shut before due to life-with-small-baby logistics are starting to crack open. And I can’t wait for more!
She’s such a ray of sunshine! Happy 18 months, C!