Work has been keeping me busy at night and this week I’ve been sick. Nonetheless, I’ve managed to get some things done in the ol’ sewing room over the last couple weeks.
I bought a magnetic seam guide a few weeks ago at the suggestion of someone on my Instagram feed. I’ve tried several different seam guides over the years — tape, a 1/4″ piecing foot, an ideal seam guide — but this one might be my favorite! It’s easy to reposition, and then doesn’t budge whatsoever while sewing.
I finished the quilt top for my secret sewing project and hopefully will have time to get it basted this weekend. I haven’t decided how to quilt it yet but I need to make a choice asap so I can get that done. My deadline for this project is March 15 and I’m definitely on track for that — whew.
I whipped up and posted the pattern for my February Barn Quilt Block of the Month installment — and had the pile of paper piecing scraps to prove it.
And finally, I’m still cutting cutting cutting pieces for the upcoming Long Time Gone sew-along. These stacks are for 9 courthouse steps blocks. The squares are 1.5″ and the step pieces are each 1″ wide. As I cut, I’m starting to get pretty intimidated by 1) the size and 2) the sheer number of pieces in this quilt. It’s certainly more than 1,000 pieces — maybe 2,000, I haven’t done the math — and many of them are tiny. GULP. I’ve started to tell myself already that it’s ok if every block isn’t perfect, and with that in mind, I’m still excited to tackle something new and challenging.
Love the barn quilt! So bright and cheerful.
Thanks Mari! I was happy with how the colors worked together too!
The barn quilt block is so nice, great colors!
Oh that block is wonderful – love the colours your have used.