The past couple weeks at work have been a doozy and I’ve had to spend several evenings catching up from home. Working in the evening means no time for sewing — or blogging, as you might have noticed — so I’m happy that this hectic period is wrapping up. Not having free time to myself in the evening starts to get really old really fast.
I did manage to stay on top of all things Valentines — making treats for Charlotte to give to her friends, helping Emma put together and sign her cards, helping her decorate a shoebox to be her “mailbox,” and making little gifts for Charlotte’s teachers. I even stopped by Kroger on the way home that day to get some chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert because there’s nothing like the last minute, right? (I avoided the “Valentine Day Express” tent in the parking lot on principle, even though I was definitely pursuing an express item. Ha!)
For Emma’s “mailbox,” I just covered a shoebox in wrapping paper and let her cover it with stickers and sharpie scribbles. Later, I saw pictures from the Valentines class party and let’s just say that some people went wayyyy overboard with their mailboxes. Come on, fellow parents! Can’t we all just take it down a notch??
I’ve been doing pretty well with my February goal of logging 10,000 steps per day on my Fitbit. I’ve made that goal on 12 of 15 days so far. I missed it on both Mondays and this past Wednesday and it was entirely because having to work in the evening prevented me from going for a walk or run. (And running in place while brushing your teeth only gets you so far!)
It’s been almost 6 months and we still haven’t sold our old house…and this week we decided to part ways with our realtor. Honestly, the person I’m most annoyed with is myself for not switching sooner. In retrospect, it’s clear that we stuck with her a couple months longer than we should have. Anyway, we had already lined up a new agent who has already been more communicative and given us more helpful advice than the old one did, and I’m optimistic that we’ll get it sold soon. It’s off the market this week while we spruce up a couple small things and have new photos taken. It should be back on the market by next Friday and fingers/toes/everything crossed we’ll get a good offer shortly after that.
Sounds like you made a wise call on changing realtors. Best wishes on a quick sale. Have an enjoyable, and hopefully restful weekend. Cheers, Ardith
Fingers crossed