Babysitting // A stuffed hippo. Emma is “star student” of her class at school and one of the perks is getting to hang out with their mascot: Ally the Hippo. We took Ally along on Emma’s class trip to a fall festival — in the photo above we were navigating a corn maze — and I gotta admit I was pretty excited that we had that activity to put in Ally’s scrapbook before we return her on Monday! (I love that the school does this stuff because the kids get such a kick out of it. But let’s be honest…a class mascot with a scrapbook? It’s really just one more thing for the parents to remember to do.)
Cheering // For Charlotte who truly, officially took her first real steps last night!!! She’s been so sluggish when it comes to walking and while rationally I know that a 13-month-old who’s not yet walking is totally within the realm of “normal”…I have to admit that I’ve been a little anxious for her to show signs of being ready. We’ve tried coaxing her into it without much luck until last night, when out of the blue she took three solid steps across the living room! We were able to get her to repeat it several more times and it was awesome to see how excited she was when we all clapped and cheered.
Planning // To hopefully knock a least a couple items off my 17 by 2017 list over the next week. Jose’s mom is flying in tomorrow for a visit. She’s always willing to hang out with the girls, which should give Jose and I some time to get things done. (And a few date nights too, I hope!)
Needing // To seriously get cracking on Charlotte’s stocking. I haven’t gotten much done in the last month. I’m dangerously close to being past the point of no return, i.e. it may already be too deep into the year for me to finish by Christmas. But I’m not ready to throw in the towel quite yet.
Walking // Normally again after spraining my foot last week. I was able to chuck the crutches after 3 days and now 10 days after the original injury, things are feeling a LOT better. I thought about trying a run today, but I can still feel the ache and soreness and it was particularly pronounced last night after a rather busy day and a lot of walking. Sooooo I’m going to give it at least a few days more before trying any running.
Baking // Owl cookies this weekend! Mmm!
Forest didn’t walk until he was 14.5 months. I was kind of content without the walking because it meant less getting into things! Happy weekend with the owl cookies!
I know, right — there are totally good things about having a kid who’s content to crawl for a while! My brain works in odd ways.
Imagine if she made you wait 4 more months. I was losing it at 17 months when Bri seriously showed no signs of interest or ability in walking.
Go Charlotte! Elizabeth isn’t walking yet and I’ve been worried. But of course I know she’s totally within the realm of normal too and she is making all the progress she needs to get there. She loves to push the walker and goes up and down the hall but won’t stand or take steps without holding on to something.
It’s so interesting how the mind works on something like this. I feel absolutely no anxiety about Elizabeth — I have 100% confidence that she is totally fine and simply hasn’t decided she’s ready to walk yet. I can sit here and tell you that you absolutely should not worry, and I believe that completely.
And yet when it’s my own kid, somehow I’m not able to listen to my own advice/reassurance! Argh!