The girls’ daycare held their annual parent workday last weekend and on Friday afternoon, they decided to get a head start. When I arrived at the end of the day, I found Emma and all of her 3-5 year old friends moving rocks from the side of the building to the front. They had buckets and bins and their bare hands, and they were running — I mean, RUNNING — back and forth. They were absolutely having the time of their lives. Moving rocks, at that moment, was the coolest thing they’d ever done.
I’ve spent the past couple weeks in kind of a weird, introspective mood. We’ve had visitors, I celebrated my birthday, I’m plugging along at work. Both girls have had colds, Charlotte’s coughing fits wake us up at odd hours of the night, Emma’s coughing wakes her up earlier than ever. There’s been fun and frustration, and at the end of each day I’m left feeling a bit burned out on life at the moment.
Arriving at the daycare to the sight of all those kids thrilled with a task that I would consider an annoyance…well, it was an instant reminder of how carefree and happy-go-lucky little kids are. I think we can all benefit from maintaining a little more of that spirit in our lives. I know I can.
Adorable. Her daycare looks like it has lots of green – looks really nice. One of the things we didn’t like about our local daycares is that they had VERY limited greenspace and small, lame playgrounds.
Things are definitely green at the moment thanks to general springtime weather. But yeah, our daycare does have a really large yard and playground (actually there are two separate playgrounds, one for the 2 & under set and one for the 3 & older) — much larger than anything else I’ve seen in the area. One of the advantages of being on-site at JSC I suppose…plenty of land and they didn’t have to buy it/rent it, at least not in the same way another place would.