Unboxing // A new sewing machine! After hemming and hawing for several months, I changed direction and got a Juki TL2010-Q. It’s a high speed straight stitch machine with more throat space that my Brother machine. (I’m keeping the Brother for the occasional times I need a zig zag stitch or buttonhole or something.) Happy Birthday to me!
Enjoying // A visit from Jose’s mom. She’s been here all week, and I’m once again reminded how completely awesome it is to 1) see my kids having fun with their grandparents and 2) have an extra set of hands to help with kid-wrangling.
Expecting // A fun weekend. Jose and I are going out tomorrow night, and then we’ll spend Sunday dyeing eggs and hanging out with friends. (The girls got the Easter festivities started at daycare yesterday afternoon as you can see!)
Feeding // Charlotte, who has finally decided after weeks of attempts (and growing frustration on my part) that food isn’t so bad after all and that yes indeed, she’d like to eat some, please. She literally went from spitting it out one day to enthusiastically leaning forward with mouth wide open for a bite the next day. Babies, man. They always figure it out eventually. If only I could remember that…
Reading // To Kill a Mockingbird for postal book club. I read it once before in 9th grade, and I remember it being one of the only books I had to read for school that I actually enjoyed. I’m excited to see what I get out of it 20+ years later.
Watching // Two electricians working around my house this morning. I hired them to install a couple ceiling fans and fix a can light in our kitchen. We now have ceiling fans in every bedroom plus the living room — I know they’re a big decor faux pas, but they are just really nice to have in Texas. I’ve been on fire in the “getting house stuff done” department this month!
Congrats on the new machine!! So fun!
Hmm – I didn’t know ceiling fans were a decor faux pas! We have them in most of our rooms. Running a ceiling fan in the nursery reduces risk of SIDS, by the way.
I just see a lot of ceiling fans being removed on HGTV, and I will admit that they are not usually very stylish. But it sure is nice to have them!