Preparing // For my 5K tomorrow! It’s the culmination of my second round of the Couch to 5K program. (The first was in summer 2014.) On Tuesday night I ran a full 3.1 miles without stopping so I’m confident I can do it tomorrow as well. I expect my finish time to be slow — I’m talking 35+ minutes slow — but as long as I run the whole thing without stopping, it’ll be a success in my book.
Waiting // For Charlotte to finally kick her cold and congestion. By Wednesday it had been lingering for a week and a half and I was on high alert for an ear infection (based on previous experience with Emma)…so when I got a call that afternoon from the daycare saying she had a fever, I wasn’t totally surprised. Jose took her straight to the pediatrician and sure enough — double ear infection. Poor kid. Fortunately we got her on antibiotics quickly and she never seemed too bothered. She stayed home yesterday but is back at daycare today.
Wanting // To take out my good camera more often and just take candid shots of the kids like the one above of Charlotte hanging out in her room. I don’t use my SLR very often but man, it just takes pictures with a quality that the iPhone will never rival. I’m going to try putting a reminder on my calendar every few weeks to take some SLR shots.
Hating // My drive home from work every day. In the nearly 7 years we’ve lived in our house, the daily traffic backup on one particular portion of my commute has grown worse and worse. Combine that with Charlotte in the car, who usually cries most of the way home after a long day at daycare, and I’m ready to poke my eyes and ears out by the time I get home. I know the Charlotte part will fix itself eventually, but the traffic? The traffic seriously makes me want to move to a different side of Clear Lake.
Reading // Dead Wake by Eric Larson, a non-fiction book about the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915. I was on the fence about whether to pick up this one — it’s not my usual genre — but decided to give it a chance because I loved Isaac’s Storm (his book about the 1900 Galveston hurricane). I’m about 35% through it so far and it’s great. I can already tell it will probably be a 5-star book for me.
How long is your commute? On my two full days, my drive home is 40 to 45minutes, sometimes longer. (In the morning it’s only 25.) However I find listening to audiobooks makes it so much more pleasant. Thats how I do a lot of my reading these days. I check them out digitally from the library and listen to them on my kindle using overdrive. Sometimes I get so into the book I don’t want my commute to be over.
It’s 15-20 minutes in the morning and 30-40 minutes in the evening. My patience for sitting in traffic is significantly higher if I am alone in the car, since I can listen to a podcast. But many days, I have both girls with me. Some podcasts aren’t appropriate for Emma, and she often wants to talk anyway, (which is fine). But Charlotte’s current favorite thing to do in the car is cry. A lot.
Once she gets past the crying-in-car phase, I suspect things will improve immensely.
I like pretty much everything Erik Larson writes. I’ve been meaning to read Dead Wake and this is making me go buy it tonight.
P.S. Nice job on the 5K. I’m gearing up to run with with Kenzie in May but haven’t really done much running yet. The few times I’ve been out I get so sore. My legs are so out of shape.