Enjoying // Emma’s recent interest in being a superhero. When she wanted this Wonder Woman nightgown at Target, neither Jose or I could resist indulging in a break from the princesses. (The video above is me making her recreate her superhero pose the other night because it was so awesome.)
Buying // Plane tickets for Jose’s mom to come visit us sometime in March, and for all of us to go see my family in North Carolina in April. We’ll be taking Charlotte to Charlotte for the first time! (We have to take advantage of being able to fly four people for the cost of three while we can, right?)
Reminding // Myself of this, again — that I will get over my disappointments eventually. I found out something yesterday about the program in question that got me riled up all over again. Sigh. Today I’m reminding myself that it’s not personal, and that I will be just fine on my own.
Moving // All my social media apps into a folder on the second page of my iPhone as an impetus to check them less often. If there’s one thing the experience above has taught me, it’s that I am still far too inclined to compare myself to others and fall into the “why her/him but not me?” trap. And social media doesn’t help.
Trying // To sell some of my maternity clothes, but not having a ton of luck so far. I tried listing everything as a huge lot, but didn’t get any takers. (I wasn’t totally surprised, but figured I’d try that first.) Now I’m debating whether to go through the effort of trying to sell the higher quality pieces one by one to recoup a bit of the cost, or just take them all to Goodwill and be done with it.
Remaking // A mug rug for a sewing swap. The sewing machine mug rug that I made — and loved — was stolen from the recipient’s mailbox. Yep. Stolen. Insert a million sad emojis here. Remaking it is not actually a requirement of the swap, but I decided to do it anyway.
Wishing you all a happy weekend!
Why not try Thred Up for your maternity clothes? I know that it might not yield the amount you wanted but you could try.
Are you listing them on IG or Craigslist?
I looked at ThredUp several weeks ago and came to the conclusion that they offer so little for your items that it wasn’t even really worth the effort. (And I know the effort is pretty minimal to begin with.)
But I had actually forgotten about it. If I can’t sell them locally (I’m using a FB swap group and Varage Sale) I’ll send to them.
I vote for Goodwill — some mom-to-be will be thrilled to find your maternity clothes and you will be helping others
I vote for Goodwill. You’ll help somebody out and get a tax deduction.