Considering // Dropping some serious cash on a new sewing machine. My biggest requirement is having more space to the right of the needle, but getting that bumps me up to a much higher class of machine. Last weekend I checked out a couple of the higher-end Brother models. This weekend I’m hoping to stop by a Janome dealer. (Side rant: the way sewing machines are sold — with certain stores only carrying certain brands — is ridiculous. It’s a sewing machine, not a freaking car.)
Switching // From plastic to glass and/or metal in the kitchen. I’m officially over all the plastic tupperware floating around our cabinets that are covered in tomato sauce stains and dishwater detergent residue. I ordered a set of glass containers as a start and am hoping they work out as well as I hope they will. I’m also planning to upgrade our old plastic mixing bowls to a nice set of metal ones.
Loving // The wall calendar I ordered from Pinhole Press. For the past couple years, I’ve had custom calendars made where each month features a photo from that month the previous year. (That photo of Emma was taken last January at the playground.)
Celebrating // A great first week of daycare for Charlotte! She seemed to take the transition pretty darn well. She’s been pretty tired all week — even falling asleep on our way TO daycare in the morning — but I expected that as she adjusts to all the new activity and stimulation of being around other babies and caregivers.
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to handle dropoff and pickup though. There’s only one additional kid but I swear it takes 4 times as long and multiple trips to and from the car. Ugh. I know it will get better as I find my groove, and I’m just hoping that happens soon.
Wanting // To get rid of all my heels and just wear flats. I’m only somewhat kidding.
Reading // My second book of 2016 already! I just finished “Kitchens of the Great Midwest” and moved on to Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” after hearing good things about it on a few blogs and podcasts.
Finishing // My rather belated January Pattern of the Month offering. I’d planned to have it done by this past Monday and obviously that didn’t happen, but I should have it wrapped up by this Monday!
Well, why don’t you switch to all flats? Is it a dress code thing at work?
I really don’t have a reason not to, I guess, other than I do think I look nicer in heels sometimes. And I have a few pairs of pants that would need to be hemmed if I want to wear them with flats. But yeah, I could totally just switch. Definitely not a dress code thing. I just wore a couple pairs of uncomfortable heels this week!
I can totally see that. I keep a few heels around for special occasions and dress up, but I admit my office is extremely casual and I have a lot more leeway than others.
I only wear flats now. I do miss heels, but it’s better for my feet.
Embrace flats! I only wear heels on the days I don’t have to do daycare drop off. (Thankfully my husband and I are able to rotate the job based on his work schedule.) I’m not the most graceful person anyways and trying to juggle kids and all.the.stuff was just too precarious. Plus, flats leave me faster if I have to race after my 2 year old if he tries to bolt in the parking lot.