Dear Charlotte,
I think I probably start every letter with some variation of “time is really flying” but it’s so true. You are four months old, and we are already through a third of that special first year. When I was in the thick of new motherhood with your big sister, someone told your dad that when the baby turns 1 year old, things kinda go back to normal — or at least a new version of normal. But the funny thing with you is that things are already feeling pretty normal.
You continue to be a happy baby and have built upon your repertoire of gummy grins by adding giggles and belly laughs. The other day while changing your diaper I tickled your armpit and got such a response that I summoned Dad and Emma in to witness your cuteness. We all got a kick out of our ticklish little Charlotte!
I definitely appreciated your good nature this month amidst the stress of going back to work. It was tough, but fortunately your grandparents all pitched in to make sure you were in good hands while I headed back to the office. It was nice for me to have their help, and it was nice for you to get to spend so much time with them. You also got to meet Uncle David when he came for a short visit.
Of course one of the biggest events this month was your first Christmas! You slept through most of it but don’t worry, we were still glad to have you there. You got many nice gifts, which your sister delighted in opening for you. And since you are just starting to have enough coordination to close your hand around something and bring it to your mouth, your new toys have been thoroughly slobbered on already.
Christmas included your first road trip too — down to Corpus Christi to spend the holiday with Dad’s side of the family. You’re still not a huge fan of being in the car, and I had to squeeze myself into the backseat between you and Emma a few times to hold your pacifier in place, but all in all you did really well. All of the aunts and uncles and cousins loved meeting you for the first time, and you were perfectly charming as you got passed from person to person. There are four other babies in the family right now with one more on the way, and it was so fun to think about how you’ll all be able to play together as you get bigger.
You are knocking on the door of so many big developments. You can lift your head very well and pump your legs behind you like crazy — no doubt that will be useful in a few months when you figure out how to crawl. In the next month or so you’ll get to taste something other than formula for the first time, and I’m already excited to see how you react to food. And on Monday you start daycare! I’m dreading the inevitable germs that you’ll surely catch, but I also know from experience that you’ll do great in your new surroundings.
There have been big changes in your sleeping arrangements in the last two weeks, and you’ve adapted like a champ. While we were in Corpus Christi, your pack-and-play was in another room and it wasn’t a problem at all, so when we got home we finally started putting you to sleep in your crib in your own room. Then a few nights ago I spontaneously decided to see what happened if I put you down without wrapping you tight in a swaddle sack — and you slept the whole night! It didn’t phase you one bit. So farewell swaddling, and hello adorable footie pajamas!
A couple days ago we celebrated the end of 2015, which I’ll always remember as a great year for our whole family because it was the year that you came into our lives. Daddy and I talked about what this year might bring, and imagined how different you’ll be at this time next year — walking, and probably a bit of talking too. I’m excited to watch you get there.