Well, my maternity leave is over and today I head back to work. Charlotte doesn’t start at the daycare until January, so for the next few weeks she’ll be home with visiting grandparents while I’m at the office.
Today will be the longest I’ve been away from Charlotte since she was born. She has been my (mostly) happy little sidekick for the last three months and we’ve had a nice time getting to know each other. I will miss her smiling face, and snuggling with her on the couch. I’ll miss our slow morning routine, and our daily walks. I’ll miss her hanging out with me in the dining sewing room while I quilt. Maternity leave, all in all, was much easier and much calmer than last time. Instead of spending half my time either worried or seriously sleep-deprived or both, I feel like I was able to really enjoy it.
But I’m ready to go back to work. I am still very certain that being a stay-at-home mom is not the right thing for me, and I’m looking forward to getting back to…it. Not “back to normal” or “back to work” or anything like that, but I guess just back to the routine of my life. Charlotte’s squishy newborn days are nearly done. I’m sad to see them go but excited to see what’s next!
Kelsey says
Awww, sending good wishes for your transition back to work and Charlotte’s transition to childcare. I definitely found the second time around easier. And I love hearing from other working moms, I know I’ve said it before, but I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and process. I’m also happy being a working mom but it’s not as common in the blogging world, which I totally get because it’s a lot to work full time, mother and blog, but I so appreciate the time you put into it to share your thoughts here. And Charlotte is SO adorable, look at that smile!